


Which of these statements is most consistent with the sentiments expressed in Common Sense?

A) Our disagreements with Parliament concern minor constitutional points; therefore, Americans should compromise and seek reconciliation with the mother country.
B) These American colonies have had the privilege of serving a loving and enlightened king; nevertheless, independence is still the best course of action.
C) If America declares its independence, it must erect a government much like England's in order to ensure the continuation of liberty.
D) America's independence is inevitable, just as it is inevitable that children grow up and leave their parents.

On Jul 02, 2024



Why did the seamstress Rosa Parks get arrested on the bus in Birmingham, Alabama, on December 1, 1955?

A) She refused to pay her fare.
B) She refused to get off the bus when the bus entered the white part of town.
C) She refused to give up her seat for a white passenger.
D) She refused to stop talking to the driver.

On Jun 28, 2024



Discuss the role of the Eastern Front in Europe during World War II.

On Jun 01, 2024

The battles between the Red Army and the German Wehrmacht were far more devastating for soldiers and civilians than any other theater of war at the time. Japan as well as Britain and the United States realized that their future depended on the victory of their ally in the massive slaughter in Eastern Europe and Russia.


What was the moral message implied by much of George Catlin's artwork?

A) Destruction of the natural environment is against God's will.
B) Indians are better off if they are removed from the corrupting influence of white Americans.
C) American westward expansion is right and moral and part of God's plan.
D) The superior American culture must inevitably replace all other cultures.

On May 29, 2024



The primary concern of those who wrote the state constitutions was

A) how to put the concept of democracy into practice.
B) how to create efficient government.
C) how best to distribute and limit governmental power.
D) how the documents would be ratified.

On May 02, 2024



What was the significance of the Ohio Valley during the eighteenth century?

A) Large numbers of escaped slaves from the Middle Colonies treated it as a haven and established a lasting settlement there.
B) Both the British and the French respected it as Cherokee territory, creating a precedent for Native American land ownership.
C) The discovery of precious metals elsewhere led to a drastic decline in the population of this area and a decrease of interest in the frontier.
D) Caught in imperial rivalries, it was viewed as a lush and promising location for future white settlement.
E) It was the preferred area of settlement for "crypto-Jews" in North America and attracted many Spaniards.

On Apr 29, 2024