


Paula and Gary are divorcing after eight years of marriage.Paula cites Gary's infidelity as the primary cause of the divorce,but Gary says his affair was simply a symptom of a marriage that had been empty for years,ever since Paula's career became more demanding and her time at home scarce.Use causal attribution theory to explain their differing attributions for the demise of their marriage.

On May 17, 2024

-This question should be answered by referring to the three potential causes for a person's action: circumstance,stimulus,or the person herself or himself.
-Gary is attributing his action to circumstance:
-Paula is to blame because of her lack of attention to him and their marriage by spending less time at home.(Gary had an affair because he felt the situation left him no choice. )
-Paula is attributing her action to the stimulus (Gary's infidelity. )


The way in which Angelina communicates and shares ideas,opinions,and feelings with others,best describes her behavior in terms of:

A) motivation.
B) modes of thinking.
C) modes of acting.
D) modes of interacting.

On May 15, 2024



Phillip is not listening carefully to Jacques describe his vacation because he is more interested in telling Jacques what he did on his vacation.What listening barrier is Phillip experiencing and what can he do to overcome it?

On May 14, 2024

-This listening barrier is being self-absorbed.What Phillip can do is:
-Diagnose it.Phillip should try to consciously note when he finds himself thinking about what he wants to say instead of listening.
-Throttle up his powers of concentration when internal messages are distracting.


What is the essence of linguistic determinism? How is this related to the concept of worldview?

On May 13, 2024

-Essentially,linguistic determinism is a theory suggesting that language shapes the way we think.
-The words people use affect their worldview-how they interpret what they experience.For example,you tend to have a lot of words for the things which are important in your life or culture,such as the large number of words that Eskimos have for snow.
-The words you select to describe your view of the world,including those you use in everyday conversations,reflect and further shape your perspective.And you,in turn,help shape your culture's collective worldview through your use of language-not just the words you use,but how you use them to develop ideas.


Darius wants to sit in his easy chair and listen to his music,loudly.Laverne,his roommate,needs some quiet time to study for a major exam the next day.If Darius listens to his music,Laverne won't be able to study.What kind of conflict does this situation reflect?

A) simple conflict
B) pseudoconflict
C) ego conflict
D) complex conflict

On May 11, 2024