


How can teachers reach out to newly immigrated families and/or families who do not speak English to encourage them to be actively engaged in children's education?

On Jul 17, 2024

Become cultural ambassadors and explain school expectations and benefits of involvement.Recognize reluctance as a result of language and cultural barriers (fear of being shamed or incapable of helping their children).Recognize that all families want the best for their children and have goals for their children's education--focus on helping the child become successful in school.Try to understand why families immigrated and look for ways to connect families to needed community support systems/services.Attend cultural activities in the community with these families.Keep school schedules flexible to allow for parent involvement/attendance (be willing to work around work schedules).Provide translators and bilingual liaisons to help families feel at ease and participate in meetings and other educational experiences to benefit children.Recognize some families take a noninterventionist role based on cultural norms.Work to communicate school expectations through open honest dialogue.


Which statement is a misconception,or a false belief,about families in poverty?

A) Children are more than twice as likely as senior citizens to live in poor families.
B) Most low-income families have at least one family member who is employed.
C) Low-income parents generally do not have a high school diploma.
D) Children residing with married parents comprise 30% of children living in low-income families.

On Jul 14, 2024



Which of the following is NOT an example of a quality-control measure?

A) a formative evaluation conducted by members of the project team
B) a performance test conducted by a third party
C) a list of all the heavy equipment used in a construction project
D) an on-site evaluation conducted by the customer

On Jun 17, 2024



Which is NOT one of the four types of oral presentations described in Chapter 21?

A) contemporaneous presentations
B) extemporaneous presentations
C) scripted presentations
D) memorized presentations

On Jun 14, 2024



If a caregiver understands the term "toddlers are doers but not producers," what kinds of activities might she plan for toddlers?

A) Giving toddlers precut shapes to glue on construction paper
B) Giving toddlers paint and a brush and telling them to paint inside a circle
C) Giving toddlers small cars, trays of paint and mural size paper
D) Giving toddlers stickers to make a card for a parent

On May 18, 2024



By suggesting that what is most real is neither the world discovered by science nor the world believed in by religion but our social world, Hegel questioned the assumption that

A) what is real must be most durable and eternal.
B) what is real must itself be in process.
C) what is real is Spirit.
D) what is real changes.

On May 15, 2024