


Maria is pursuing a highly competitive career,and she works very hard and persistently at her tasks.What does Maria's behaviour reflect

A)  high power need 
B)  high affiliation needs 
C)  high achievement motivation 
D)  external locus of control

On Jul 26, 2024



Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with the use of punishment?

A) Punishment generally produces no short-term results.
B) Punishment does not extinguish an undesirable behavior, but rather it suppresses that behavior.
C) Punishment can lead to aggression.
D) Punishment indicates that a behavior is unacceptable but does not help a person develop an appropriate behavior.

On Jul 22, 2024



If university graduates typically earn more money than high school graduates,this would indicate that level of education and income are

A) positively correlated.
B) independent variables.
C) dependent variables.
D) negatively correlated.

On Jul 20, 2024



Implicit prejudice occurs when:

A) people consciously hold negative attitudes associated with an outgroup.
B) people unconsciously hold negative attitudes associated with an outgroup.
C) conscious attitudes are activated.
D) members of one group deliberately discriminate against members of another group.

On Jun 25, 2024



Differentiate between the concepts of the undeserving poor and the deserving poor.

On Jun 20, 2024

The deserving poor are those whose economic conditions are assumed to exist through no fault of their own.Those who fall into the undeserving poor category are those whom others think should have taken advantage of the supposed opportunities but have not done so due to their own lack of initiative.This artificial and frequently erroneous pattern of assumptions allows others,especially those who are more privileged,to justify the existence of social class inequalities.


What did the researchers, who identified the Hawthorne effect, see as evidence that employee performance was influenced by something other than the physical work conditions?

A) Any change in a variable, such as lighting levels, led to an improvement in productivity; this was true even when the change was negative, such as a return to poor lighting.
B) Employees who believed they were under observation performed the same as employees who did not believe they were under observation.
C) Employees who knew they were being observed called in sick more often than employees who did not know they were being observed.
D) Managers who told their subordinates they were under observation received more complaints than other managers.

On Jun 19, 2024



Axis IV of the DSM-IV-TR includes __________

A) all physical disorders that affect a person's psychological adjustment.
B) all psychological disorders except personality disorders.
C) information about problems in the person's life that might affect adjustment, such as death of a loved one.
D) an overall judgment made by the psychological professional of the person's mental health and adjustment based on a scale from 0 to 100.

On May 20, 2024



Which of following is true about the "not guilty by reason of insanity" verdict?

A) Studies indicate that a large percentage of the individuals who receive this verdict receive hard time in a maximum-security prison.
B) Approximately 60 percent of those who receive the verdict are African Americans and Hispanic women who are battered and abused.
C) Some states require that people who receive the verdict should only be institutionalized for the same length of time they would have served if they had received prison sentences.
D) Evidence suggests that the insanity defense is widely used to help people avoid incarceration for their crimes.

On May 19, 2024



What was the stated purpose of the first useful intelligence test

A)  to identify gifted children 
B)  to identify children who had the potential to be successful in college 
C)  to evaluate the success of educational programs 
D)  to identify children in need of special training

On May 18, 2024