Michael yawson mensah




Defend or refute the following argument-Free trade is more advantageous for any economy.

On Jul 22, 2024

Answers will vary. For centuries, business leaders, scholars, and governments have argued for and against international free trade. Today, international free trade in a competitive marketplace is widely accepted as the most efficient and beneficial form of trade for any given nation's economy. Several recent studies found that free-trade policies cause long-term economic growth and that this relationship is reciprocal, meaning that growth increases freer trade which increases growth.
Governments have many different reasons to pursue free trade, but they also have reasons to deliberately restrict trade.
-A government may forbid a politically sensitive industry (like defense contracting) to export certain products or technologies, or it may erect barriers to competition around a particularly important domestic industry threatened by global competition. These barriers can reduce the importation of foreign goods and services or eliminate the exportation of domestic goods and services.
-Another reason a government may seek to limit trade is to protect its "infant industries."
-Countries may erect trade barriers is to adjust the balance of trade. A country or multinational organization may aim to restrict trade as a bargaining tool. The United Nations frequently uses trade sanctions or limitations on trade against countries in an effort to change those countries' behaviors.
-A country may introduce trade protections if it feels a trade partner is engaging in "dumping," or selling goods below the cost of production.
The sections "Patterns of Trade: Increased Regionalization" and "Government Policies Directed at Trade" on pages121 and 126, respectively, discuss the pros and cons of free trade. Students can use this section to make their own interpretation and answer this question.


Cross-licensing occurs when two patent holders license each other to use their patents and can have other patent holders join the patent at any time.

On Jul 19, 2024



Farm output per person in the Global South is often barely sufficient to feed a farmer's own family.

On Jun 22, 2024



A materials requisition is a source document used for recording materials received.

On Jun 19, 2024



Which of the following is least likely to make an employer liable for unjust dismissal or wrongful discharge under the public policy exception to the employment at will doctrine?

A) Firing an employee for his refusal to work on a contract to manufacture weapons because of his religious convictions.
B) Firing an employee for his refusal to commit perjury in a $1,000,000 product liability suit against the firm.
C) Firing a middle-level manager for refusing to violate Title VII by denying a promotion to a black subordinate.
D) Firing an employee for filing a workers' compensation claim against the employer.

On May 21, 2024



Which of the following describes a dual relationship?

A) Any repeated, unwanted behaviorof a sexual nature perpetrated upon one individual by another
B) A sexual relationship between an employee and his or her immediate superior
C) A relationship in which both parties consented but then one party later claims sexual harassment
D) A situation in which a manager convinces his or her employee to engage in a sexual relationship in exchange for incentives
E) A personal, loving, and/or sexual relationship with someone withwhom you share professional responsibilities

On May 18, 2024