


Which perspective examines the changes that families experience over their lifespan?

A) symbolic interaction theory
B) family development theory
C) exchange theory
D) structural-functionalism

On Jul 21, 2024



The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray generated an enormous amount of controversy because it suggested that racial differences in IQ scores were due to genetically driven differences in intelligence. It argued that "both genes and the environment have something to do with racial differences." For those who disagreed, this seemed like a familiar argument because

A) racism usually is reducible to a group's cultural characteristics.
B) this is the same argument that was made by the founding fathers to justify the treatment of Native Americans and Africans.
C) it leaves education policy at the center of a racial controversy.
D) racist beliefs are often rooted in the assumption that differences between groups are genetic.

On Jul 17, 2024



Research on gender role socialization during childhood has found that

A) boys and men are featured in children's books more often than girls and women.
B) toys for both boys and girls today tend to promote cooperation rather than aggression or competition.
C) girls are encouraged to play outdoors as much as boys are.
D) gender is likely not formed until adolescence.

On Jun 21, 2024



Explain how group size affects group dynamics, citing examples of research findings.

On Jun 17, 2024

Group size can have a significant impact on group dynamics. Research has shown that smaller groups tend to have higher levels of cohesion and cooperation, as members are more likely to feel a sense of responsibility and accountability to the group. On the other hand, larger groups may experience more social loafing and diffusion of responsibility, as individual members may feel less accountable for the group's outcomes.

For example, a study by Latané, Williams, and Harkins (1979) found that in a social loafing experiment, participants in larger groups were less likely to contribute effort to a group task compared to those in smaller groups. This suggests that as group size increases, individual motivation and effort may decrease.

Additionally, research by McGrath (1984) suggests that smaller groups are more efficient in decision-making and problem-solving tasks, as they are able to communicate and coordinate more effectively. Larger groups, on the other hand, may struggle with coordination and may experience more conflicts and power struggles.

Overall, group size can significantly impact group dynamics, with smaller groups often exhibiting higher levels of cohesion, cooperation, and efficiency, while larger groups may experience challenges related to motivation, coordination, and decision-making.


Many Cuban immigrants receive support from well-established and prosperous Cuban-American ethnic enclaves.Because of this support:

A) many Cuban immigrants achieve middle-class status relatively quickly
B) many Cuban immigrants stay in the working-class
C) many Cuban immigrants soon leave their ethnic enclave
D) Cuban Americans all reside in the same area
E) none of these choices

On May 21, 2024



While researching her family tree, Eleanor discovered that her great-grandmother who had lived in Toronto had divorced in 1926 and remarried in 1928. She was surprised since she was under the assumption that divorce was a relatively recent phenomenon. When she located the petition for divorce documents, what reason would be given?

A) marital breakdown
B) adultery
C) physical cruelty
D) irreconcilable differences

On May 18, 2024