


What is a wiki? Describe the guidelines that need to be followed for wiki writing.

On Jun 12, 2024

Answers will vary. A wiki is a collaborative website that hosts the collective work of many authors. Similar to a blog in structure and logic, a wiki allows anyone to edit, delete, or modify content, even the work of previous authors. While allowing everyday users to create and edit a website encourages cooperative use of electronic information, the content posted at such sites should not be considered authoritative. When wiki writing, avoid the first-person blogging style and conform to the tone and flow of the existing article. Wikis are not typically the place for personal opinion and analysis. Hence, present factual information in clear, concise, and neutral language.
Many businesses make use of wikis to encourage free flow of ideas within the organization. Content in a wiki can be updated in real time, without any real administrative effort, and without the need for deliberate distribution. Contributors simply visit and update a common website. Wikis facilitate the exchange of information within and between teams. They allow maintenance of a series of unique documents with evolving content. Placing a document in a wiki does not necessarily make it editable by everyone with access to the wiki. Most companies implement their wikis behind a firewall to limit participation to their internal user base.


What are the two commonly used types of forecasting techniques?

On Jun 12, 2024

Judgmental and statistical


At Shoppers Super Stores, decision making is retained by top management in the corporate office including all personnel and product related decisions. Shoppers Super Stores is an example of a decentralized organization.

On Jun 09, 2024



Which of the following correctly describes the effects of a decrease in net taxes?

A) Disposable income increases,consumption decreases,and saving decreases.
B) Disposable income increases,consumption increases,and saving increases.
C) Disposable income decreases,consumption increases,and saving increases.
D) Disposable income decreases,consumption decreases,and saving decreases.
E) There is no effect on either disposable income,consumption,or saving.

On May 13, 2024



Nell gives Big Al $50 in return for Al's promise to defame Sara. Nell hopes to ruin Sara's chances at a promotion. Nell finds out that Al did not hold up his end of the agreement. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Nell can get the money back from Al through litigation.
B) Nell can get the money back and force Al to do as he promised.
C) Legally, Nell can neither get the money back nor force Al to do as he promised.
D) Nell can force Al to act through an appeal to the courts, but Al gets to keep the $50.

On May 10, 2024