


James Brian Quinn developed the _____ to address the forces of change in large organizations.

On Aug 02, 2024

logical incrementalism


Refer to Table 16.5. A point on the market demand curve for this public good would be: at a price of ________ quantity demanded would be ________.

A) $30; 5
B) $50; 3
C) $100; 1
D) $110; 1

On Jul 31, 2024



The use of new communication technologies discourages polyphasic activity in the workplace.

On Jul 03, 2024



If a firm can create important complements to its original product,it has​

A) ​Created an uncontrollable factor that can change the demand for its product
B) Created an uncontrollable factor that cannot change the demand for its product
C) Created a controllable factor that can change the demand for its product
D) ​Created a controllable factor that cannot change the demand for its product

On Jul 01, 2024



Intelligence as a leader characteristic is found in which of the following approaches?

A) behavioral and trait
B) trait and situational
C) skills and behavioral
D) skills and trait

On Jun 03, 2024



The 2014 Agriculture Act in the U.S. eliminated farm subsidies so as to encourage farmers to move their resources to nonfarming production activities.

On Jun 01, 2024



Jones operated a local movie theatre in a small town that had fallen on hard times. As a last ditch effort to attract customers, he decided to show pornographic movies. From the week the change was made, the theatre had to turn away customers on a regular basis. The local town council was quite upset, however, especially since a number of them represented a conservative and religious constituency. They decided to take away the licence of the theatre but were quickly informed that they did not have the power to do that. They then decided to increase the licence fee from the regular $50 per year to $15,000 per year. Jones was notified of the fact that this course of action was being considered, and he was given a chance to appear before the council to state his case. He did so, but the council decided to go ahead with the decision in any case. This, of course, would force Jones out of business, and so Jones, after exhausting any local remedies and appeals, took the matter to court. Which of the following accurately indicates the legal position of the parties?

A) Jones will be successful and will seek an order of mandamus.
B) Jones will be successful since this is an attempt by a municipal council to indirectly pass criminal law, which is under federal jurisdiction.
C) The municipal council's decision will stand since this is a proper use of their licensing power.
D) Jones will be successful and will seek an order of prohibition.
E) Jones will not be successful since the decision has been made and he has exhausted his remedies.

On May 02, 2024



Maeve sells New Energy, a sole proprietorship that makes and sells solar panels, to Olaf. This is

A) the establishment of a franchise.
B) the creation of a partnership.
C) none of the choices-a sole proprietorship cannot be sold.
D) a transfer of the ownership of the business.

On May 01, 2024



Salvey Inc.reported the following results from last year's operations: Salvey Inc.reported the following results from last year's operations:   The company's average operating assets were $3,000,000. At the beginning of this year, the company has a $300,000 investment opportunity that involves sales of $480,000, fixed expenses of $100,800, and a contribution margin ratio of 30% of sales. If the company pursues the investment opportunity and otherwise performs the same as last year, the combined ROI for the entire company will be closest to: A) 16.6% B) 1.3% C) 18.2% D) 15.3% The company's average operating assets were $3,000,000. At the beginning of this year, the company has a $300,000 investment opportunity that involves sales of $480,000, fixed expenses of $100,800, and a contribution margin ratio of 30% of sales.
If the company pursues the investment opportunity and otherwise performs the same as last year, the combined ROI for the entire company will be closest to:

A) 16.6%
B) 1.3%
C) 18.2%
D) 15.3%

On Apr 30, 2024



The budget line in portfolio analysis shows that:

A) the expected return on a portfolio increases as the standard deviation of that return increases.
B) the expected return on a portfolio increases as the standard deviation of that return decreases.
C) the expected return on a portfolio is constant.
D) the standard deviation of a portfolio is constant.
E) a riskless portfolio will earn a zero return.

On Apr 29, 2024