


On what issue did the heads of state in both the United States and the Soviet Union agree during the period of détente,1969-1979?

A) withdrawal from conflicts in the southern hemisphere
B) nuclear arms reduction
C) environmental regulation
D) famine relief in Third World nations
E) sharing medical research

On Aug 05, 2024



One result of the anticommunist crusade during the late 1940s and early 1950s was the dismissal, as a "security risk," of ______________________________.

A) alcoholics, homosexuals, and debtors in the employ of the federal government
B) J. Edgar Hoover from the Federal Bureau of Investigation
C) Ethel and Julius Rosenberg from the State Department
D) Henry A. Wallace as Secretary of Commerce

On Jul 07, 2024



Discuss the problems of housing and sanitation in American cities in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and explain and evaluate the responses of private citizens and state and local governments to these problems.

On Jul 03, 2024

The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw significant problems with housing and sanitation in American cities. Rapid urbanization and industrialization led to overcrowded and unsanitary living conditions for many residents. Tenement housing, in particular, became notorious for its cramped and squalid living spaces, lack of proper ventilation and sanitation, and high rates of disease and mortality.

Private citizens responded to these problems in a variety of ways. Social reformers and activists, such as Jacob Riis and Jane Addams, worked to raise awareness of the deplorable living conditions in urban areas and advocated for improved housing and sanitation standards. They also established settlement houses and other social service organizations to provide support and resources to impoverished city dwellers.

State and local governments also took steps to address the housing and sanitation crisis. Many cities passed building codes and housing regulations to improve the quality of housing and ensure basic sanitation standards. Some municipalities also invested in public infrastructure, such as water and sewage systems, to provide better sanitation for residents.

However, the responses of private citizens and government entities were often insufficient to fully address the magnitude of the housing and sanitation problems. Many tenement buildings remained overcrowded and unsanitary, and the living conditions for urban residents continued to be dire. Additionally, the efforts of private citizens and local governments were often hindered by political corruption, lack of funding, and resistance from property owners and developers.

Overall, while there were some positive efforts to address the housing and sanitation problems in American cities during this time period, the responses of private citizens and state and local governments were limited in their effectiveness. It was not until the implementation of comprehensive housing and sanitation reforms in the mid-twentieth century that significant improvements were made in urban living conditions.


What had plunged Cuba into an economic crisis in 1894?

A) US tariff agreements granted Hawaiian sugar favored status.
B) Spanish bureaucrats imposed excessively high tariffs on Cuban sugar.
C) Congress had enacted the reciprocal tariff agreement the previous year.
D) The underground activities of Cuban revolutionaries were harming Cuban businesses.

On Jun 05, 2024



How did the Navajo Indians assist US forces during World War II?

A) Thanks to their traditional lack of fear, they were excellent sentinels.
B) Through their language, they provided troops in the battlefield with a secure code language.
C) Because of their Asian appearance, they were able to sneak behind the Japanese enemy lines.
D) Partly because of their long tribal traditions, they were experts in hand-to-hand combat.

On Jun 03, 2024



Homes in the Long Island development of Levittown sold in 1947 for the price of

A) $8,000
B) $80,000
C) $120,000
D) $180,000

On Jun 01, 2024



Some early socialists,mainly French,tried to envision a better future combining all the positive elements of industrialization without its negative aspects.They were known as

A) free market capitalists.
B) liberals.
C) utopian socialists.
D) social democrats.
E) communists.

On May 07, 2024



Which of the following is most consistent with the belief expressed by Stokely Carmichael in his 1966 call for Black Power?

A) To right the wrongs done against them, African Americans should move to several southern states, take them over, and push white residents out.
B) To be truly free from white oppression, African Americans must elect black candidates, organize their own schools, and control their own institutions.
C) African Americans can gain independence and dignity only by returning en masse to Africa.
D) African Americans must seek revenge for the wrongs done against them by forming vigilante groups to assassinate prominent whites.

On May 05, 2024



Which of the following contributed to the United States going to war in 1812?

A) Madison's refusal to support Macon's Bill no. 2
B) Great Britain's announcement that it would end the impressment of American sailors
C) Congressional War Hawks who pressed for territorial expansion into Florida and Canada
D) Tecumseh's victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe
E) The Republican insistence on high tariffs

On May 04, 2024



John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry increased anger in the South because:

A) It was revealed that Brown had financial backing from several prominent abolitionists
B) It led to a general slave uprising throughout Virginia
C) President Buchanan praised Brown as a hero and a martyr
D) Federal troops came to Brown's aid, allowing him to escape

On May 02, 2024