Moneaka M Everette-Woods




Your sales forecast will affect all sections of your marketing plan.

On Jul 10, 2024



The key to influencing both satisfaction and performance through rewards is that the:

A) rewards are not necessarily valued by employees.
B) managers use a non-participative style of management.
C) rewards are tied directly to performance.
D) work should not be challenging.

On Jul 09, 2024



Which of the following conditions might be included in a troubled debt restructuring?

A) issuance of common stock to the creditor by the debtor to fully or partially satisfy the debt
B) a transfer of real estate from the debtor to the creditor to fully or partially satisfy the debt
C) reduction of the stated interest rate for the remaining original life of the debt
D) all of these

On Jun 10, 2024



Deepak, a trainee at NextGen Corp., is known among his colleagues for his arrogance, rude behavior, and short-tempered nature. His supervisor, Garin, does not feel like Deepak is performing well and wants to fire him. However, Marissa, the manager of the HR department, advises Garin to rethink his decision in order to avoid the possibility of Deepak reacting violently or filing a lawsuit when he receives the news. In this scenario, which situation is most likely to result in an amicable discharge of Deepak from NextGen Corp.?

A) Garin accuses Deepak of substance abuse and warns him to get help or be fired.
B) Marissa ask Gavin to give Deepak more training, and if he doesn't perform well, then Gavin can fire him.
C) Garin encourages Deepak to think about whether he is a good fit for the job and whether he might want help finding another.
D) Garin does not believe in the concept of outcome fairness, so he does not intend to consider Marissa's advice.
E) Deepak thinks the source of his troubles at NextGen Corp. is that Garin dislikes him and wants him to fail.

On Jun 09, 2024



A reversing entry

A) reverses entries that were made in error.
B) is the exact opposite of an adjusting entry made in a previous period.
C) is made when a business disposes of an asset it previously purchased.
D) is made when a company sustains a loss in one period and reverses the effect with a profit in the next period.

On May 11, 2024



________ is the biggest potential disadvantage of using Keynote or PowerPoint to design presentation slides if you want to be able to be flexible with your information during the presentation.

A) The steep learning curve
B) The linear nature of the presentation
C) The difficulty of incorporating slides into online meetings and webcasts
D) The challenge of locating desktop and laptop versions of the software
E) The ability to engage the audience

On May 10, 2024