


Small business is able to react less quickly to new and changing markets than is large business with its increased economies of scale.

On Jul 21, 2024



Dean, the president of Billing & Credit Company, promises to pay his employee Ewing, who is dangerously obese, $10 for every pound that he loses within the next two years. Ewing agrees, diets and exercises, loses 154 pounds, and asks Dean for $1,540. Dean refuses to pay, saying that he does not remember the promise, but that even if he did make it, there was no consideration, and Ewing's improved health is a sufficient benefit for his effort and sacrifice. Ewing files a suit against Dean. In whose favor is the court likely to rule, and why?

On Jul 17, 2024

A court is most likely to rule against Dean and in favor of Ewing. Generally, a waiver of a legal right in this case, the right to eat to obesity at the request of another party is sufficient consideration to support a promise.
Here, Ewing provided legally sufficient consideration by losing 154 pounds in weight over the stipulated two-year period. The promise in the question was the payment of $10 for every pound lost. It does not matter that the performance-the loss of weight-also benefited Ewing.


What advice would you give your coworker if you believe she or he is a tempered radical?

On Jun 20, 2024

Meyerson's research offers four guidelines: (1) think small for big results, (2) translate, (3) be authentic, and (4) don't go it alone.


Magda purchased some new clothes at a clothing store and gave the salesclerk a cheque for the price of the goods as payment. The acceptance of the cheque by the salesclerk constitutes payment of the debt in full.

On Jun 17, 2024



Explain what the personal selling process is and list the steps involved in the process.

On May 21, 2024

The personal selling process consists of a sequence of seven steps that salespeople follow to acquire new customers and obtain orders: prospecting and qualifying; preapproach; approach; presentation; handling objections; gaining commitment; and follow-up.


The following labor standards have been established for a particular product:
The following labor standards have been established for a particular product:    The following data pertain to operations concerning the product for the last month:    Required:a. What is the labor rate variance for the month?b. What is the labor efficiency variance for the month? The following data pertain to operations concerning the product for the last month:
The following labor standards have been established for a particular product:    The following data pertain to operations concerning the product for the last month:    Required:a. What is the labor rate variance for the month?b. What is the labor efficiency variance for the month? Required:a. What is the labor rate variance for the month?b. What is the labor efficiency variance for the month?

On May 18, 2024

a. Labor rate variance = (Actual hours × Actual rate) − (Actual hours × Standard rate)= ${{[v(4)]:#,###}} − ({{[v(3)]:#,###}} hours × ${{[v(2)]:#,###.00}} per hour)= ${{[v(4)]:#,###}} − ${{[v(11)]:#,###}}= ${{[v(6)]:#,###}} Unfavorableb. Standard hours = Standard hours per unit × Actual output= {{[v(1)]:#,###.0}} hours per unit × {{[v(5)]:#,###}} units= {{[v(8)]:#,###}} hoursLabor efficiency variance = (Actual hours − Standard hours) × Standard rate= ({{[v(3)]:#,###}} hours − {{[v(8)]:#,###}} hours) × ${{[v(2)]:#,###.00}} per hour= {{[v(12)]:#,###}} hours × ${{[v(2)]:#,###.00}} per hour= ${{[v(9)]:#,###}} Unfavorable