


For a typical firm, fixed costs increase in direct proportion to the increases in output.

On Jul 11, 2024



Monopolistically competitive firms exist due to high barriers to entry.

On Jul 08, 2024



Organizations offer their employees training and development programs to improve their skills, safe and healthy work environments, fair and equitable selection and promotion systems, and jobs designed to increase employee self-esteem in order to:

A) create stronger commitment from its employees
B) increase employee satisfaction
C) increase employee empowerment
D) improve employee quality of work life
E) do all of the these

On Jun 11, 2024



Some jobs are considered more stressful than others.Describe what this really means and give two reasons why someone in a 'high-stress' job might experience less stress than another person in a 'low-stress' job two types of behavior modification interventions that might change employee behavior in this situation.

On Jun 08, 2024

Jobs are more stressful if they have more stressors than other jobs.However, this does not necessarily mean that all people in high-stress jobs experience more stress than people in lower-stress jobs.
One problem with rating the stress of occupations is that task characteristics and job environments differ considerably for the same job in different organizations and societies.A police officer's job may be less stressful in a small town, for instance, than in a large city where crime rates are higher and the organizational hierarchy is more formal.
Another problem with identifying a job as 'high stress' is that a job with many stressors may be stressful to one person and create very little stress to another.In this respect, we must be careful not to conclude that people in high-stress occupations actually experience higher stress than people in other occupations.They are exposed to more serious stressors, but careful selection and training can result in stress levels no different from those experienced by people in other jobs.


Stella buys a car from Marble Sales for $10,000 on credit.Joel's daughter likes the car and so Joel buys the car from Stella.Joel also agrees to pay the balance due to Marble Sales,on behalf of Stella.Joel defaults.Marble Sales can bring a suit for breach of contract against:

A) Stella only.
B) Joel only.
C) Stella and Joel.
D) Joel and his daughter.

On May 12, 2024



Employers are subject to civil, but not criminal, penalties for violations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

On May 09, 2024
