


Which of the following is the most appropriate task(s) to be delegated to the licensed practical nurse (LPN) ? Select all that apply.

A) Administer oral pain medications
B) Insert an indwelling (e.g., Foley) catheter
C) Perform an admission assessment on a new patient
D) Establish a new teaching plan for a diabetic patient

On Jul 29, 2024



A 2-year-old child is scheduled for a tonsillectomy.When determining the plan of care,the nurse should:

A) Include the parents or caregivers in the plan of care
B) Explain to the child that she will have a sore throat after surgery
C) Tell the child that she can have her favorite foods for the first 24 hours after surgery
D) Prepare the child for discharge from the hospital as soon as she is alert

On Jul 26, 2024



A cognitively impaired patient has been a widow for 30 years. This patient frantically tries to leave the facility, saying, "I have to go home to cook dinner before my husband arrives from work." To intervene with validation therapy, the nurse will say:

A) "You must come away from the door."
B) "You have been a widow for many years."
C) "You want to go home to prepare your husband's dinner?"
D) "Your husband gets angry if you do not have dinner ready on time?"

On Jun 29, 2024



Mrs.Eglington,a 54-year-old woman,is to have an indwelling urinary catheter inserted.What is the correct technique for cleansing the female genitalia immediately prior to catheterization?

A) Separating the labia and cleansing from back to front
B) Separating the labia and cleansing from front to back
C) Cleanse around the urinary meatus in a circular motion
D) Cleansing the labia from back to front using alcohol

On Jun 26, 2024



This nursing diagnosis applies to a patient experiencing acute mania: Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to insufficient caloric intake and hyperactivity as evidenced by 5-pound weight loss in 4 days. Select an appropriate outcome. The patient will

A) ask staff for assistance with feeding within 4 days.
B) drink six servings of a high-calorie, high-protein drink each day.
C) consistently sit with others for at least 30 minutes at meal time within 1 week.
D) consistently wear appropriate attire for age and sex within 1 week while on the psychiatric unit.

On May 29, 2024



A patient has a history of impulsively acting-out anger by striking others. Select the most appropriate intervention for avoiding similar incidents.

A) Teach the patient about herbal preparations that reduce anger.
B) Help the patient identify incidents that trigger impulsive anger.
C) Explain that restraint and seclusion will be used if violence occurs.
D) Offer one-on-one supervision to help the patient maintain control.

On May 27, 2024