


A trust created by a will that comes into existence on the settlor's death is called which of the following?

A) Spendthrift trust
B) Inter vivos trust
C) Testamentary trust
D) Totten trust

On Jun 20, 2024



In insurance law, a(n) _____ is a contract for insurance coverage. It spells out the precise terms and conditions as to what will and will not be covered under the contract.

A) premium
B) policy
C) binder
D) agreement

On Jun 18, 2024



In 1980, Rita, a Cree woman, married Patrick, who had immigrated to Canada from Ireland.By law, under the Indian Act at that time, Rita lost her Indian status.In 1985, the Indian Act was amended to address gender discrimination, including ensuring that no woman lost her status through marriage to someone outside her band.What is this change in legislation called?

A) The Omnibus Bill
B) Bill C-31
C) The Royal Commission on Aboriginal People
D) The Truth and Reconciliation Commission

On Jun 17, 2024



Debt that is "backed" by a mortgage, a pledge of collateral, or another lien is called which of the following?

A) Real debt
B) Liable debt
C) Credited debt
D) Secured debt

On Jun 13, 2024



Jake identifies as a gay male, a person with a disability, and someone from a lower socioeconomic bracket.These identities place Jake is a potentially more vulnerable position.What does this concept refer to?

A) intersectionality
B) intersection of ability
C) systemic inequalities
D) youthful generation

On May 18, 2024



What is today's concept of race focused on?

A) biological divisions of humans that are based on skin colour and other physical traits
B) the categorization of humans into five distinct groups that are based on biological attributes
C) the social construction of differences between groups, with the effect of oppressing some of these groups
D) the scientific and anthropological grouping of humans into categories

On May 16, 2024



Which of the following might be a duty of a paralegal specializing in bankruptcy law?

A) Interviewing debtors
B) Reviewing insurance contracts
C) Writing contracts
D) All of these choices are correct.

On May 14, 2024



A certified legal assistant (CLA) is which of the following?

A) A legal assistant who has passed the bar exam
B) A legal assistant who has passed the NFPA certification exam
C) A legal assistant who has passed the NALA certification exam
D) A licensed paralegal

On May 13, 2024



Describe the adversarial system of justice that is followed by U.S. and English courts.

On May 12, 2024

The adversarial system of justice is a legal system in which the parties to a lawsuit are opponents, or adversaries, and present their cases in the light most favorable to themselves.
The impartial decision maker (the judge or jury) determines who wins based on an application of the law to the evidence presented. Parties to a lawsuit come before the court as contestants, in an attempt to "win" the "battle." The parties do not come together in the courtroom with the idea of working out a compromise solution to their problems or of looking at the dispute from each other's point of view. Rather, they take sides, present their best case to the judge or jury (if it is a jury trial), and hope that this impartial decision maker rules in their favor.
In an adversarial system, the goal of the attorneys (and paralegals) is not so much to determine the
truth as to win the case. An attorney's job is not to seek out or reveal the truth to judges (although ethical rules prohibit attorneys from presenting evidence that they know to be untrue). Rather, the role of the attorney is to discover and present the strongest legal argument on behalf of a client, regardless of the attorney's personal feelings about the client or the client's case. Because of the adversarial nature of our system, paralegals may be asked to work on cases that they do not believe in or for clients they do not like.


Excessive bail and fines and cruel and unusual punishment are prohibited by which of the following?

A) The Fourth Amendment
B) The Fifth Amendment
C) The Sixth Amendment
D) The Eighth Amendment

On May 11, 2024