


Which of the following is true of case management?​

A) ​It is intended to meet the multiple needs of a client in a coordinated manner.
B) ​It assumes that resources and service providers needed by a client are always readily available.
C) ​It requires clients to navigate complex helping systems on their own.
D) ​It involves developing a case plan that can be applicable to all clients under all situations.

On Jun 17, 2024



Each of the following: good/bad child,understanding/strict parent,logical/emotional,role model/rebel are examples of ___________________.

A) hierarchies
B) complementary roles
C) coalitions
D) subsystems

On Jun 15, 2024



Briefly describe the five steps involved in cognitive restructuring.​

On Jun 13, 2024

Answers may vary. Several discrete procedural steps are involved in cognitive restructuring.
1. Assist clients in accepting that their self-statements, assumptions, and beliefs largely determine their emotional reactions to life's events: The power difference between you and clients is likely to become heightened when you present a goal of changing how they perceive themselves or their world. Mistrust and suspicion may be particularly acute with minors, members of a racial or ethnic minority, and clients who are involuntary. Thus, in the first step, it is important to provide clients with an explanation and your rationale for selecting cognitive restructuring as an intervention procedure.
2. Assist clients in identifying dysfunctional self-statements, beliefs, and patterns of thoughts that underlie their problem: Once a client accepts that thoughts and beliefs mediate emotional reactions, your next task is to help the client identify the associated thoughts and beliefs relevant to his or her difficulties. This step requires a detailed exploration of events related to problematic situations and antecedents, with particular emphasis on cognitions pertinent to the distressing emotions.
3. Assist clients in identifying situations that engender dysfunctional cognitions: Identifying the places where cognitions cause stress, the key persons involved, and situations in which the client feels demeaned helps you and the client to develop and tailor tasks and coping strategies to specific situations. Self-monitoring between sessions is a concrete way for a client to monitor and recognize cognitions related to difficulties around problematic events.
4. Assist clients in replacing dysfunctional cognitions with functional self-statements: As clients become aware of their dysfunctional thoughts, beliefs, and images, the goal is to help them recognize the connection to negative emotional reactions. Having done so, an additional goal is to help them cope as an intermediary step to learning new behavioral responses. Coping strategies typically involve self-statements that are both realistic and instrumental in diminishing or eliminating negative emotional reactions and self-defeating behaviors.
5. Assist clients in identifying rewards and incentives for successful coping efforts: When clients have mastered new statements and behaviors, you should reinforce their accomplishment by coaching to observe and credit success.


When discriminatory practices or policies occur because of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture, family form, or other factors, _____ is required.​

A) policy analysis and advocacy​
B) ​needs assessments for the community
C) ​segregation of different groups within a society
D) ​relaxation of established ethical standards

On Jun 05, 2024



When social workers provide strategies for engagement and assist staff in linking assessment with intervention plans and evaluation, they are performing the role of _____.​

A) ​advocate
B) ​organizational analyst
C) ​supervisor
D) ​consultee

On Jun 02, 2024



TF-CBT utilizes ____________________ as an intervention in order to normalize trauma responses,develop realistic expectations,beliefs,and cognitions,and inspire hope.

A) psychoeducation
B) parenting skills training
C) relaxation techniques
D) affect expression and modulation

On May 16, 2024



__________________ is the term used to describe when stories or subplots in which the problem-saturated story do not play out in its typical way with no dramatic ending or particularly notable outcome.

A) Problem narrative
B) Happy ending
C) Dull story
D) Unique outcome.

On May 14, 2024



Which of the following statements LEAST accurately reflects the author's beliefs about assessing for diversity issues when conceptualizing counseling cases?

A) Each form of diversity brings with it both unique resources as well as limitations.
B) Only feminist, narrative, and collaborative counselors need to assess for diversity issues.
C) For many clients, traumatic and oppressive experiences related to being a minority or simply "different" is at the core of their problematic situation.
D) Many cultural and ethnic groups are marginalized in dominant society, but they also tend to have stronger than average social and religious networks that provide them a sense of belonging and support.

On May 13, 2024



Analyzing childhood experiences,symbols,dreams,and archetypes to bring the unconscious to conscious awareness is an intervention typical of the _______________ phase of Jungian analysis.

A) assessment
B) initial
C) closing
D) working

On May 11, 2024



All of the following are reasons coping questions are used EXCEPT:

A) to generate hope.
B) to increase motivation.
C) to increase insight.
D) to promote agency.

On May 02, 2024