


Compare and contrast the mission and methods of Jacob Coxey, William Jennings Bryan, and Eugene V. Debs.

On Jul 27, 2024

Jacob Coxey, William Jennings Bryan, and Eugene V. Debs were all prominent figures in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who sought to address social and economic issues in the United States. While they shared some common goals, such as advocating for the rights of workers and challenging the power of big business, they also had distinct missions and methods.

Jacob Coxey was a businessman and populist who is best known for leading a protest march on Washington, D.C. in 1894. His mission was to demand government intervention to create jobs for the unemployed during the economic depression of the 1890s. Coxey proposed a plan for the federal government to issue $500 million in paper currency to finance public works projects, which he believed would stimulate the economy and alleviate poverty. His method of direct action, in the form of the "Coxey's Army" march, was a bold and dramatic attempt to draw attention to the plight of the unemployed and pressure the government to take action.

William Jennings Bryan, a politician and orator, also championed the cause of the common people during this era. His mission was to promote the free coinage of silver as a means of expanding the money supply and easing the burden of debt on farmers and workers. Bryan believed that this monetary policy would help to address the economic hardships facing many Americans, particularly in rural areas. His method of advocacy involved delivering impassioned speeches and rallying support for his ideas through the Democratic Party, ultimately earning him the nickname "The Great Commoner."

Eugene V. Debs, a labor leader and socialist, had a broader mission of challenging the capitalist system and advocating for the rights of workers. He sought to build a mass movement of industrial workers to fight for better wages, hours, and working conditions, as well as to ultimately overthrow the capitalist system and establish a socialist society. Debs' method involved organizing labor unions, leading strikes, and running for political office as the presidential candidate of the Socialist Party multiple times.

In comparing and contrasting the mission and methods of these three figures, it is clear that they all sought to address the economic and social injustices of their time, but they did so through different means. Coxey's direct action and dramatic protest march stood in contrast to Bryan's political maneuvering within the existing system, while Debs' revolutionary socialist vision represented a more radical departure from the status quo. Despite their differences, all three figures played important roles in shaping the political and social landscape of their era and laying the groundwork for future movements for social and economic justice.


The development of rice plantations in South Carolina

A) occurred only after the colony's planters unsuccessfully attempted to cultivate tobacco, sugarcane, and indigo.
B) required such large capital investments that Carolina's planters never became as wealthy as those in the Chesapeake region.
C) would have proven impossible without the importation of thousands of European indentured servants to serve as a labor force.
D) led the colony to become the first mainland colony with a black majority and caused a growing divide to exist between white and black.
E) is considered by most historians to be the most important cause of the Yamasee War.

On Jul 25, 2024



Did the United States "lose the Vietnam War" or did it obtain "peace with honor"? Discuss.

On Jun 27, 2024

The question of whether the United States "lost" the Vietnam War or obtained "peace with honor" is a complex and contentious one.

On one hand, many argue that the United States did indeed "lose" the war. Despite pouring significant resources and manpower into the conflict, the U.S. ultimately withdrew its forces in 1973 without achieving its stated goal of preventing a communist takeover of South Vietnam. The fall of Saigon in 1975 to North Vietnamese forces further solidified the perception of defeat for the U.S.

On the other hand, some proponents of the "peace with honor" narrative argue that the U.S. was able to negotiate a ceasefire and withdrawal of its troops in a way that preserved its dignity and avoided a humiliating defeat. The Paris Peace Accords of 1973, which led to the withdrawal of U.S. forces, were seen as a way to extricate the U.S. from a costly and unpopular war while still maintaining a semblance of honor.

Ultimately, the interpretation of whether the U.S. "lost" the Vietnam War or obtained "peace with honor" is subjective and depends on one's perspective. The war's legacy continues to be debated, and its impact on American foreign policy and military strategy is still felt today.


The term affirmative action refers to efforts to show improvement in ______________.

A) inner-city living conditions
B) air quality
C) the hiring of minorities
D) grade level competency tests in public schools

On Jun 25, 2024



Warfare in the eighteenth century resulted in financial strains on its participants that lingered for decades.

On May 27, 2024



What problems did the British government face after the Seven Years' War, and what solutions did it propose? How reasonable were London's solutions, and in what ways did the colonists view them as an attack on their liberty?

On May 25, 2024

After the Seven Years' War, the British government faced several problems, including a large national debt and the need to maintain and defend its newly acquired territories. In order to address these issues, the British government proposed several solutions, including increasing taxes on the American colonies and enforcing stricter control over colonial trade and governance.

One of the main solutions proposed by the British government was the implementation of various taxes, such as the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts, which were intended to help pay off the national debt and cover the costs of maintaining British troops in the colonies. Additionally, the British government sought to exert more control over the colonies by enforcing stricter trade regulations and by asserting its authority through measures such as the Quartering Act, which required colonists to provide housing and supplies for British troops.

From the perspective of the British government, these solutions seemed reasonable and necessary in order to address the financial and administrative challenges it faced after the war. However, the colonists viewed these measures as an attack on their liberty and autonomy. They believed that the British government was unfairly imposing taxes and regulations without their consent, and they resented the presence of British troops in their communities. The colonists saw these actions as a violation of their rights as British subjects and as an infringement on their ability to govern themselves.

In response to these perceived attacks on their liberty, the colonists began to organize and resist British authority, leading to events such as the Boston Tea Party and eventually to the American Revolutionary War. In the eyes of the colonists, the British government's solutions to its post-war problems were not reasonable, but rather oppressive and unjust. This ultimately fueled their desire for independence and self-governance, leading to the eventual break from British rule.


The Communist Party's commitment to socialism resonated with a widespread belief that the Depression had demonstrated the bankruptcy of capitalism.

On May 24, 2024



Who was the most famous black female abolitionist and advocate of women's rights?

A) Mary Ann Shadd
B) Sojourner Truth
C) Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
D) Sarah Parker Remond

On May 23, 2024



According to the New York Times, what was the most popular question asked of guides at the St. Louis world's fair in 1904?

A) Which way to the carousels?
B) Which way to Edison?
C) Which way to the Philippines?
D) Which way to Cuba?

On May 22, 2024