


The use of placebos in research is an attempt to minimize the effects of

A) dependent variables.
B) case histories.
C) experimenter bias.
D) informed consent.

On Jul 26, 2024



According to your book, why would a mother bird feign injury and move away from her nest when she has hatchlings?

A) The behavior protects the young hatchlings.
B) It is learned.
C) It appears to be an inherited ability that emerged over many generations.
D) Both a and c.

On Jul 22, 2024



Rats that have a damaged __________will show no fear when placed next to a cat.

A) hippocampus
B) hypothalamus
C) fornix
D) amygdala

On Jun 26, 2024



Reading Dr.Seuss's classic story The Cat in the Hat to the child in the mother's womb,according to a recent research project,showed that the

A) newborn prefers hearing the story after birth.
B) infant sucked on a nipple in a different way when the mother read the story.
C) infant's brain has a remarkable ability to learn even before birth.
D) All of these.

On Jun 22, 2024



According to Chapter 11, what is a reason behavioral models (i.e., someone who demonstrates helping behavior) tend to increase helping among others?

A) Models make people feel guilty if they do not also help
B) Observing a behavioral model tends to put people in a good mood, so they are more willing to help
C) Models demonstrate that the benefits of helping outweigh the costs
D) Observing a behavioral model creates a diffusion of responsibility

On May 27, 2024



Briefly describe the basic tenets of Erikson's theory and describe his stages of childhood and adult personality development.

On May 23, 2024

Erik Erikson, in the 1960s, proposed a theory of personality development based on stages. Many theories of development describe development in terms of stages, or developmental periods during which characteristic patterns of behaviour are exhibited and certain capacities become established.
Erikson theorised that there are eight stages, spanning the lifespan, in personality development. He held that there is a specific psychosocial crisis during each stage, the outcome of which determines the balance between opposing polarities in personality. The eight stages are: Trust versus Mistrust, Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt; Initiative versus Guilt; Industry versus Inferiority; Intimacy versus Isolation; Generativity versus Self-Absorption; Integrity versus Despair.