


Overhead costs are first directly traced or distributed to support and production departments; support department costs are then allocated to production departments based on the amount of support activity used by each production department.
A)Single plantwide overhead rate
B)Multiple production department rates
C)Activity-based costing

On Jul 14, 2024



Describe the various components of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. How are these needs achieved? What important lesson can managers learn from Maslow?

On Jul 13, 2024

At the bottom of the hierarchy are needs based on physical drives, including the need for food or sleep. Next on the list are safety needs which include safety from elements, enemies, and other threats. Third, love needs must be met, and may include love or friendship. Fifth, esteem needs may be satisfied by establishing self-respect. Finally, self-actualization involves becoming everything that one is capable of becoming. According to Maslow, these needs must be met in order, from physical needs to self-actualization. Maslow implies that fulfilled needs not longer motivate a person, therefore, managers should provide opportunities for employees to fulfill emerging needs.


Discuss the differential treatment for tax purposes of investments in subsidiaries compared to other assets.

On Jun 14, 2024

Tax treatment of investment in subsidiaries:
- One of the exemptions from the need to recognise deferred tax assets and liabilities arises on the initial recognition of assets and liabilities,as this has no effect on accounting profit or taxable income at the time of recognition.
- This exemption does not apply to investments in subsidiaries,but accounting standard AASB 112 Income Taxes allows companies to ignore tax effects of temporary differences associated with the investment when certain conditions are satisfied.In particular,the parent needs to be satisfied that the tax effects will not reverse in the foreseeable future.


Research highlighted in your text suggests that today's emerging workforce,Millennials,are more individualistic and more focused on extrinsic rewards compared to older generations,and that Millennials' ethical perspectives are different.Defend or refute using concepts from the text along with any personal anecdotes.

On Jun 13, 2024

ans will vary and will include opinion and conjecture.ans should highlight one or more of the principles of ethical leadership (honesty,respect,justice,community,service).Students may also incorporate the idea of values and moral development into their writing.


A manager uses a reward as a reinforcer.This reinforcer increases the frequency of a desirable behavior.

On May 15, 2024



All of the following are true except

A) the last to be paid off,whether the corporation does well or goes bankrupt,are the common stockholders.
B) a key advantage of incorporating is limited liability.
C) corporations account for about 50 percent of all business sales in the United States.
D) corporations are controlled by the common stockholders.

On May 14, 2024