


When a researcher engaged in participant observation loses objectivity by becoming so involved that he or she is no longer an observer, this is referred to as

A) becoming spurious.
B) a serendipitous discovery.
C) going native.
D) confounding the outcome.

On Aug 01, 2024



Although there are exceptions,a number of studies show that healthy child development is most likely to occur in __________ family settings.

A) authoritarian
B) permissive
C) authoritative
D) uninvolved

On Jul 29, 2024



Most young people face similar financial pressures while in their twenties, but considerably more men move back in with their parents than women. What is one reason for this?

A) Men care more about saving money than women do.
B) Women lose more independence when they move back home than men do.
C) Men have stronger relationships with their parents than women do.
D) Women are more likely than men to have serious emotional conflicts with their mothers.

On Jul 02, 2024



The difference between leisure and recreation is that

A) leisure is a kind of activity; recreation is a kind of time.
B) leisure requires money; recreation does not.
C) leisure is a kind of time; recreation is a kind of activity.
D) leisure does not require money; recreation does.

On Jun 29, 2024



The growth of different religious beliefs and practices is a characteristic of which form of culture?

A) premodern
B) industrial
C) modernism
D) postmodern

On Jun 02, 2024



According to the textbook, what are sociological researchers interested in doing with abstract propositions?

A) generating them
B) confirming them
C) testing them
D) supporting them

On May 30, 2024



Many sociologists who conduct participant observation research consider the Hawthorne effect a serious problem in conducting research.What steps can a sociologist take to counter the negative consequences of the Hawthorne effect?

On May 03, 2024

The Hawthorne effect refers to the phenomenon where individuals modify their behavior when they are aware of being observed. This can be a serious problem for sociologists conducting participant observation research, as it can lead to inaccurate or biased data. To counter the negative consequences of the Hawthorne effect, sociologists can take several steps:

1. Establish rapport and trust with the participants: Building a strong relationship with the individuals being observed can help minimize the Hawthorne effect. When participants feel comfortable and trust the researcher, they are less likely to alter their behavior in response to being observed.

2. Use covert observation: In some cases, conducting observations without the participants' knowledge can help reduce the Hawthorne effect. This approach allows researchers to observe natural behavior without the influence of being watched.

3. Blend in with the environment: Sociologists can try to blend in with the environment and become a natural part of the setting. This can help minimize the awareness of being observed and reduce the likelihood of the Hawthorne effect.

4. Use multiple methods of data collection: Combining participant observation with other research methods, such as interviews or surveys, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon being studied. This can help validate the observations and mitigate the impact of the Hawthorne effect.

5. Consider the timing and duration of observations: Being mindful of when and for how long observations are conducted can also help minimize the Hawthorne effect. Researchers can vary the timing and duration of their observations to capture a more accurate representation of behavior.

By taking these steps, sociologists can work to counter the negative consequences of the Hawthorne effect and improve the validity and reliability of their research findings.


The reason the text's authors call the Internet the new, wild frontier of deviance today is because Internet deviants are more educated and clever.

On Apr 30, 2024
