


If there is an accumulation of acidic products in the plasma, one would expect ________.

A) an increase in respiration rate
B) a decrease in respiration rate
C) no influence on respiration rate
D) an increase in residual volume
E) apnea

On Jul 24, 2024



The legal doctrine stating that employers have the right to fire employees for "good cause, for no cause, or even for cause morally wrong" is known as the __________________ doctrine.

On Jul 22, 2024

Employment at will


If one nerve stimulus arrives at a muscle fiber so soon that the fiber has only partially relaxed from the previous twitch, the most likely result will be ________.

A) fatigue
B) spasm
C) incomplete tetanus
D) complete tetanus
E) flaccid paralysis

On Jun 23, 2024



Describe two costs and two benefits of sexual reproduction.

On Jun 22, 2024

Two costs of sexual reproduction include the energy and resources required to find a mate and produce offspring. This can be a significant investment for many species and can leave individuals vulnerable to predators or other environmental pressures during the mating process. Additionally, sexual reproduction can also increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases or infections, which can have negative impacts on the health and survival of individuals.

On the other hand, two benefits of sexual reproduction include genetic diversity and adaptation. Through the combination of genetic material from two parents, offspring are more likely to inherit a diverse set of traits, which can increase their chances of survival in changing environments. Additionally, sexual reproduction allows for the shuffling and recombination of genetic material, leading to new combinations of genes that can potentially provide advantages in terms of disease resistance, environmental adaptation, and overall fitness.


An obstruction in the afferent arteriole would reduce the flow of blood into the ________.

A) glomerulus
B) renal artery
C) macula densa
D) efferent arteriole
E) arcuate artery

On May 24, 2024



As a result of opsonization,

A) holes are produced in target cell membranes.
B) organ transplant rejection occurs.
C) antigens are more susceptible to phagocytosis.
D) antigens clump together.
E) inflammation, chemotaxis, and lysis occur.

On May 23, 2024