


The following sentences form a passage. For each sentence, select "correct" if the sentence is punctuated correctly, "fragment" if it is a fragment, "run-on" if it is a run-on, and "comma splice" if it is a comma splice. Then a television program on PBS changed his life the seventh grader watched in amazement as students in a well-equipped machine shop built their own robots.

A) correct
B) fragment
C) run-on
D) comma splice

On Jul 25, 2024



The paragraphs of the following essay have been scrambled so that they are out of order. Read them and then answer the question(s) that follow.
Acting to Save Mother Earth
_____ (1) These personal actions may not seem important. (2) At the very least, though, they can relieve some of the helplessness we all feel when faced with threats of global disasters. (3) If carried out on a larger scale by millions of individuals, they could greatly improve our environment and lives.
_____ (4) A third way of taking action for the planet is wise management of hazardous wastes. (5) Hazardous wastes include paint, old car batteries, oven and drain cleaners, mothballs, floor and furniture polish, pesticides, and even toilet bowl cleaners. (6) First of all, we should store hazardous materials properly by keeping them in their original containers; making sure they are clearly labeled; and keeping them in a cool, dry place that is out of the reach of children. (7) Second, we can reduce our use of these products by buying only what we need and by sharing anything that might be left over. (8) Third, we should take great care when disposing hazardous wastes. (9) Certain wastes such as old car batteries and motor oil can be refined and reused, and in some cities they can be turned in for special burning. (10) However, local authorities have to be contacted because disposal practices vary so much from place to place.
_____ (11) Every day we hear more bad news about our planet. (12) Reports tell us that wildlife and forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. (13) Newscasts give the latest word on how quickly Earth is losing its protective shield and warming up. (14) Newspapers lament the pollution of our air, water, and soil. (15) What can we do in the face of such widespread gloom? (16) In fact, we do not have to feel helpless. (17) We can each learn practical ways to better our environment.
_____ (18) But that's not all we can do. (19) Another Earth-saving habit is "precycling" all kinds of waste. (20) This means buying food and other products packaged only in materials that will decay naturally or that can be recycled. (21) The idea is to prevent unrecyclable materials from even entering the home. (22) For instance, the 190 pounds of plastic ⎯ especially Styrofoam ⎯ each American uses a year are thrown out as soon as packages are opened. (23) Be kind to your planet by buying eggs, fast food, and other products in cardboard instead of Styrofoam cartons. (24) Buy beverages in recyclable glass, aluminum, or plastic containers. (25) Buy in bulk to reduce the amount of packaging; you will save money, too. (26) Finally, when you can, buy products whose packaging shows the "recycled" logo. (27) Materials that have been recycled once can be recycled again.
_____ (28) For example, saving and recycling newspapers has a number of positive results. (29) First, recycling newspaper saves trees. (30) The average American consumes about 120 pounds of newsprint a year ⎯ enough to use up one tree. (31) That means close to 250 million trees each year are destroyed for paper in this country alone. (32) If we recycled only one-tenth of our newspaper, we would save 25 million trees a year. (33) Second, making new paper from old paper uses up much less energy than making paper from trees. (34) Finally, this process also reduces the air pollution of paper making by 95 percent.
Part A: Select the answer that numbers the paragraphs in the order they should appear in the essay.
a. 5, 4, 1, 3, 2
b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
c. 4, 1, 5, 2, 3
Part B: Select the number of the topic sentence in the second paragraph in the reordered sequence.
a. Sentence 28
b. Sentence 29
c. Sentence 34
Part C: What transitional expression shows the relationship between paragraphs 3 and 4 in the reordered sequence?
a. A third way
b. But
c. For example
Part D: What linking technique does the writer use at the beginning of the third paragraph in the reordered sequence?
a. She repeats key words or ideas from the thesis statement.
b. She refers to a word or idea from the preceding paragraph.
c. She uses a transitional sentence.

On Jul 24, 2024

Part A: a
Part B: a
Part C:a
Part D:c


Each of the following sentences tells what you are trying to persuade someone to do. Beneath each sentence are four reasons that attempt to convince the reader that he or she should take this particular course of action. Select the reason that seems irrelevant, illogical, or untrue. If you wanted to persuade someone to buy and use a couple of reusable cloth bags for transporting groceries home from the store, you could say that

A) the Kline Corporation, a manufacturer of cloth bags, says that cloth bags are better than paper or plastic bags.
B) cloth bags reduce the trash and pollution created by discarded paper and plastic bags.
C) cloth bags are easy to use.
D) cloth bags are sturdier and won't break as easily as paper and plastic bags will.

On Jul 22, 2024



The following sentences form an essay. Select the correct verb for each blank. Because most exhibits ____ hands-on, children love to go from floor to floor pushing as many buttons and turning as many knobs as possible.

A) is
B) are

On Jun 24, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Some mixed-breed dogs that would once have been referred to as mutts are now enjoying a new status as popular and expensive "designer dogs." (2) For instance, the labradoodle, a cross between a Labrador and a poodle that can cost up to $4,000, is one sought-after combination. (3) Other popular "doodle" dogs include the schnoodle (a schnauzer-poodle mix) and the goldendoodle (a golden retriever-poodle mix) . (4) Many dog lovers are willing to plunk down large sums for a cockapoo (a cocker spaniel-poodle mix) or a yorkipoo (a combination of a Yorkshire terrier and a poodle) . (5) Even England's Queen Elizabeth is fond of a specialty mixed-breed known as the dorgi, a cross between a dachshund and a corgi.
Select the number of the topic sentence in the paragraph above.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 3

On Jun 23, 2024



Each question below is a plan for a narrative paragraph. The events in the plans are not in the correct chronological order. Select the letter of the answer that numbers the events in the proper time sequence. In a lifetime of many successes, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams pioneered open-heart surgery the day he operated on James Cornish.
____ According to eyewitnesses, Williams first made a six-inch incision and removed Cornish's fifth rib.
____ Cornish's frightened friends brought him to Provident Hospital, the first interracial hospital in the United States.
____ Then he repaired a torn artery and stitched up the punctured sac surrounding the heart.
____ On July 9, 1893, James Cornish received a deep knife gash near his heart during a fight.
____ Dr. Williams examined Cornish and immediately decided to operate.
____ Fifty-one days later, Cornish left the hospital, recovered and deeply grateful to Dr. Williams for his life.

A) 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2
B) 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 6
C) 6, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5

On Jun 21, 2024



For each Works Cited page entry below, select the answer "Correct" if the entry is correctly formatted according to MLA guidelines. Select the answer "Incorrect" if the entry is not correctly formatted. Miller, Peter. "Weather Gone Wild." National Geographic , 2012.

A) Correct
B) Incorrect

On Jun 20, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct noun for each blank. In 1947 Robinson stepped onto the playing field in a Brooklyn Dodgers' ____.

A) uniform
B) uniforms

On Jun 19, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Anyone can conquer clutter by following a series of steps. (2) First of all, pick just one area on which to focus your attention. (3) This might be a shelf, a closet, or even just one drawer. (4) Second, round up some bags or boxes and label them so that you have one of each of the following: Repair , Relocate , Donate , Sell , Store , Throw Away , and Return . (5) Next, sort all of the items in the area by placing them in one of the bags or boxes, depending on what needs to happen to it. (6) Then, take action on each pile. (7) Put Repair , Donate , and Return items in your car so that you can drop them off on your next errand run; take the items in the Relocate box to the places where they belong; toss out the Throw Away items; and so on. (8) Finally, clean your newly decluttered area and give yourself a reward for a job well done!
Select the number of the topic sentence in the paragraph above.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 3

On Jun 18, 2024