


Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) When it comes to cleanliness, homeowners seem to fall into one of three categories. (2) The first group includes the spotless perfectionists. (3) These people would be horrified if anyone walked into their home and found even one speck of dirt, so they are constantly cleaning. (4) Everything they own is always in its place and dust-free. (5) The second group of homeowners is the complete opposite. (6) They are the slobs. (7) Visit their houses, and you will see dirty clothes and empty cans and pizza boxes strewn about. (8) Every available surface will be covered with stuff that looks like it belongs somewhere else, and the floor will be in need of some serious mopping. (9) The third group falls somewhere in the middle between these two extremes. (10) They tend to keep clutter at bay, and they probably clean house about once a week. (11) You might see a fine layer of dust or a dirty dish or two, but otherwise, the house is relatively tidy.
On what basis does the writer classify homeowners?

A) size of home
B) income of homeowner
C) cleanliness of home

On Sep 30, 2024



Select the letter of the answer that correctly identifies each type of prewriting. Dec. 27. Today, I read in the newspaper that many states give written driver's license exams in several different languages, but nine states offer the test in English only, and other state legislatures have introduced bills to change to English only. So if you don't read English, you can't get a driver's license. I don't think that's fair. Some immigrants can speak enough English to get by but can't read it. They need a driver's license to be able to get to work, but they can't get one. This rule probably encourages people to drive without a license.
Dec) 28. Tomorrow is my birthday. People have always asked me if it's a bummer having a birthday so close to Christmas, but I never minded. My mom and dad always made sure that I had a separate celebration. I admit, though, that in the past, one or two of my relatives have given me just one gift for both occasions!
This prewriting is an example of

A) focused freewriting.
B) brainstorming.
C) clustering.
D) asking questions.
E) keeping a journal.

On Sep 28, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) The city of Bangalore, India, is a jarring mixture of new and old. (2) Bangalore has become a world center of the computer software industry, and companies like IBM, Dell, and Hewlett Packard have built dozens of gleaming new buildings. (3) In contrast, the rutted dirt roads are choked with oxcarts, and three-wheeled taxis belch black fumes. (4) Over breakfast each morning at the Taj Residency Hotel, Indian programmers chat with American engineers about the latest piece of computer code. (5) Yet sandal-clad women carry baskets of tools on their heads at a nearby construction site, and workers drag a huge pipe into place using only ropes. (6) Each night, teams of programmers send their work by satellite uplink to teams on the other side of the earth. (7) However, they must rely on diesel generators because power outages lasting two or three hours occur almost every day.
What two things are being compared and/or contrasted?

A) Bangalore and India
B) Bangalore's old and new aspects
C) Indian and American engineers

On Sep 25, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each item, select the underlined part that contains an error. The other five guardian animals are the mountain lion, black bear, badger, eagle, and mole; additional fetish animals include coyotes, owls, snakes, deers , and rabbits.

A) are
B) mole;
C) deers

On Sep 22, 2024