


Infants of __________ parents are more likely than others to be insecurely attached and continue to experience difficulties in relationships into their adult years.

A) permissive
B) neglecting
C) authoritative
D) authoritarian

On Jul 18, 2024



Fred is of normal weight but is overconcerned with his body image.He often eats at the all-you-can-eat buffet and is guilty about not being able to control his eating.He then exercises excessively to control his weight.According to the DSM-5, he will most likely meet the diagnostic criteria for

A) binge-eating disorder.
B) bulimia nervosa.
C) anorexia nervosa; binge/purge type.
D) anorexia nervosa; restricting type.

On Jul 16, 2024



"Lucky" Lou considers himself lucky, while his friend "Loser" Larry considers himself unlucky. They each take $100 to a casino and play blackjack for 3 hours. When they leave, they have each lost $20. What does research on the confirmation bias suggest will happen?

A) Because of their losses, "Loser" will maintain his view of himself and "Lucky" will begin to change his view of himself.
B) Both men will reason that they were willing to lose $100 but only lost $20, so it is as if they won $80; so "Lucky" will maintain his view of himself and "Loser" will begin to change his.
C) "Loser" will begin to change his view of himself, reasoning that he was willing to lose $100 but he only lost $20, so it is as if he won $80. Because of his loss, "Lucky" will also begin to change his view of himself.
D) "Loser" will maintain his view of himself because of his loss. "Lucky" will also maintain his view of himself, reasoning that he was willing to lose $100 but he only lost $20, so it is actually like he won $80.

On Jun 18, 2024



Dave is a handsome and famous celebrity.He has been dating Gabriela, a beautiful and popular actress, for the past two months, but he doesn't feel strongly committed to their relationship.Recently, Dave has been working on a new movie and several women have expressed their interest in getting to know him better.Dave is now contemplating whether he should stay with Gabriela or explore the more tempting alternatives.According to the investment model, what will Dave probably do next?

A) He will probably ask Gabriela to marry him.
B) He will probably ask Gabriela to move in with him.
C) He will probably stay with Gabriela for at least another year so that he can give their relationship a second chance.
D) He will probably break up with Gabriela and give in to the temptation of dating other women.

On Jun 16, 2024



Which of the following is a component of a developmentally appropriate practice?

A) The teacher directs all activity,deciding what children will do and when.
B) Children work individually at desks most of the time and listen to the teacher's directions to the group.
C) The teacher spends considerable time enforcing rules.
D) Children are expected to be mentally and physically active.

On May 18, 2024



In Nisbett and Wilson's (1977) studies on consumers' awareness of purchasing decisions, ____.

A) people were able to articulate accurately that they made their choice based on product color or softness
B) people made choices based on the product softness or color, but thought they made the choice based on when they saw the product
C) people made choices based on whether they saw the product last, but thought they made the choice based on product color or softness
D) people were able to articulate accurately that they made their choice based on when they saw the product

On May 17, 2024