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Spirituality implies membership in a spiritual organization with customs, traditions, and structure.

On Jul 12, 2024



Between 1948 and 1983,when unemployment increased,big strikes:

A) were more common
B) were less common
C) were as common as they were when unemployment fell
D) ceased entirely

On Jul 09, 2024



The social causes of illness and death include:

A) human environmental factors
B) life-style factors
C) factors related to the public health
D) factors related to the health care systems
E) all of these choices

On Jun 12, 2024



Compare and contrast churches, sects, and new religious movements, providing examples of each.

On Jun 09, 2024

Churches, sects, and new religious movements are all different types of religious organizations, each with their own distinct characteristics and beliefs.

Churches are typically large, well-established religious organizations with a hierarchical structure and a significant presence in society. They often have a long history and a large number of followers. Examples of churches include the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Church of England.

Sects, on the other hand, are smaller religious groups that have broken away from a larger religious organization. They often have more radical beliefs and practices than mainstream churches and may be seen as deviant or heretical by the larger religious community. Examples of sects include the Amish, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Hare Krishnas.

New religious movements, also known as cults, are often characterized by their unconventional beliefs and practices. They are typically founded by a charismatic leader and may be seen as controversial or even dangerous by mainstream society. Examples of new religious movements include the Church of Scientology, the Unification Church (Moonies), and the People's Temple (led by Jim Jones).

In summary, churches, sects, and new religious movements all represent different types of religious organizations with varying levels of mainstream acceptance and distinct beliefs and practices.


In the __________,one spouse,typically the wife,participates in the partner's career behind the scenes without pay or direct recognition.

A) dual-career couple
B) dual-income occupation
C) trailing spouse pattern
D) two-person single career

On May 13, 2024



_____ promote a sense of "us"; _____ promote a sense of "them."

A) Dyads; triads
B) Primary groups; secondary groups
C) In-groups; out-groups
D) Reference groups; attribution groups

On May 10, 2024