


In each set below, select the letter of the group in which all the words are spelled correctly. In which group are all of the words spelled correctly?

A) experience, faculty, reccomendation
B) unifying, metrapolitan, remarkeable
C) critically, swiftly, purest

On Jul 06, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Parents should not enter their little girls in children's beauty pageants. (2) First of all, children who participate in these pageants may develop an unhealthy body image. (3) Studies have found that children who competed in beauty contests are more likely than those who didn't compete to be dissatisfied with their bodies, an attitude that can lead later to eating disorders or other psychological issues. (4) Another reason to avoid pageants is the cost. (5) Participation requires a lot of money for clothing, props, coaching, and travel, and these expenses quickly add up to thousands of dollars per pageant. (6) Many parents have admitted going into debt to finance their pageant hobby; Rick and Misty Simon of Atlanta, Georgia, for example, say that their credit card debt rose to $30,000 after two years of entering their daughter in a series of local pageants. (7) The most important reason to avoid these pageants, though, is their tendency to sexualize little girls. (8) The "glitz pageants" in particular require young contestants to wear heavy makeup and elaborate hairstyles that adults would wear. (9) They encourage parents to put their children into revealing costumes and then have those kids gesture and dance flirtatiously while wearing inappropriately suggestive facial expressions. (10) Little girls have no business prancing around on stage made up like adult women, winking at the judges, blowing kisses, and swinging their hips.
Select the number of the topic sentence in the paragraph above.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 3

On Jun 29, 2024



In each set below, select the letter of the sentence in which all of the apostrophes are used correctly. In which sentence are apostrophes used correctly?

A) Your'e careless about crossing your t's and dotting your is.
B) You're careless about crossing your t's and dotting your i's.
C) You're careless about crossing your ts and dotting your is.

On Jun 03, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each item, select the underlined part that contains an error. Examples might include whether or not to commit to a relationship or which of two job offers to except .

A) whether
B) relationship or
C) except

On May 30, 2024