


Which nursing action should occur first when preparing to work with a patient who has a problem of sexual functioning?

A) Acquire knowledge of the patient's sexual roles and preferences
B) Develop an understanding of human sexual responses
C) Assess the patient's sexual functioning
D) Clarify the nurse's own personal values

On Jun 27, 2024



The nurse is working with a 16-year-old pregnant girl who tells the nurse that she needs an abortion.The nurse provides the patient with information on alternatives to abortion,but after several sessions,the patient still insists on having the abortion.The competency of the nurse as a consultant requires what of the nurse?

A) Insist that the patient speak with a "right-to-life" advocate.
B) Provide a referral to an abortion service.
C) Refuse to provide a referral to an abortion service.
D) Delay providing a referral to an abortion service.

On Jun 24, 2024



A 35-year-old male client is distressed about being male and has always thought of himself as being female even though it causes isolation social issues.How should the nurse respond to this client?

A) Provide information about support groups and other community resources for transgender people.
B) Reassure him that he is normal,saying there are more people than we know who feel this way.
C) Share with him that you personally have had thoughts like this but have coped with these thoughts.
D) Suggest your patient seek mental healthcare for medication to help him deal with his anxiety.

On Jun 23, 2024



During ocular examinations, what should the nurse keep in mind regarding the movement of the extraocular muscles?

A) Is decreased in the older adult.
B) Is stimulated by CNs III, IV, and VI.
C) Is impaired in a patient with cataracts.
D) Is stimulated by cranial nerves (CNs) I and II.

On May 25, 2024



A drug interaction in which the combined effect of drugs is greater than the sum of the effects of each individual agent acting independently is known as a _____________.

On May 24, 2024

synergistic effect
A synergistic effect is a drug interaction in which the combined effect of two drugs is greater than the sum of the effects of each individual agent acting independently.In other words,1+1 = 3 or more.The use of a combination of drugs to treat hypertension is an example of synergism.Each drug lowers blood pressure but in a different way;the summed effect produces a greater reduction in hypertension than is produced by the effects of each medication.


The patient was admitted to the hospital with advanced-stage cancer.As the nurse was admitting her,the patient told her about how her little dog learned a new trick,and could play dead when she said "bang-bang." Why did the nurse listen attentively to the patient's story?

A) She knew it was easy to do and she had nothing else to do at that time.
B) It was little more than two people talking back and forth.
C) She knew it was probably not going to affect the patient-nurse relationship.
D) She knew it was a way to know and respond to what matters to the patient.

On May 23, 2024