


The sex of the zygote is determined by the chromosomes found in

A) semen.
B) sperm.
C) ova.
D) dartos.

On Jul 24, 2024



Hindsight bias most directly contributes to the perception that

A) psychological theories are simply reflections of researchers' personal values.
B) psychological research studies are simplified versions of reality.
C) psychological theories and observations are merely common sense.
D) psychological research studies are potentially dangerous.

On Jul 23, 2024



What is the most frequent cause of fatal injuries in children ages 5-19?

A) motor vehicle accidents
B) accidental poisoning
C) suicide
D) homicide

On Jun 24, 2024



Which of the following is not a period of prenatal development?

A) germinal
B) zygote
C) fetal
D) embryonic

On Jun 23, 2024



Developmentally supportive conflict is coupled with ______.

A) punishment
B) respect
C) permissiveness
D) uninvolvement

On May 25, 2024



Compare and contrast stranger anxiety and separation anxiety.

On May 24, 2024

Stranger anxiety and separation anxiety are both common experiences for infants and young children, but they have distinct differences.

Stranger anxiety is the fear or wariness of unfamiliar people, often seen in infants around 6-8 months of age. This is a normal part of development as babies become more aware of their surroundings and the people in them. They may become upset or cry when approached by someone they don't know, and may seek comfort from their primary caregiver. This is a sign that the child is forming attachments and learning to distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar faces.

On the other hand, separation anxiety is the distress or fear experienced when a child is separated from their primary caregiver. This typically emerges around 8-14 months of age and can continue into the toddler years. Children with separation anxiety may become upset when their caregiver leaves the room or when they are left with a new caregiver. They may cling to their caregiver when they sense they are about to leave, and may have difficulty being soothed by others.

While both stranger anxiety and separation anxiety involve fear and distress, they differ in their triggers and responses. Stranger anxiety is triggered by unfamiliar people, while separation anxiety is triggered by the absence of the primary caregiver. Additionally, stranger anxiety may be more short-lived and specific to certain situations, while separation anxiety can be more persistent and generalized.

In summary, both stranger anxiety and separation anxiety are normal developmental stages for young children, but they have distinct triggers and responses. Understanding these differences can help caregivers support children through these challenging but important stages of development.