


Which statement best describes the unifying theme that "psychology evolves in a sociohistorical context"

A)  Social trends and values have an impact on personal behaviour. 
B)  Social trends and values have an impact on psychology. 
C)  Psychology and society both influence each other. 
D)  Psychological research and theories have an impact on society.

On Sep 28, 2024



Lorant's aunt is visiting and asks him if he has decided where he will attend university in the fall.If Lorant ___________,then this is an example of identity status diffusion.

A) shrugs and says he does not know yet because both choices are great
B) says his parents are pressuring him more every day to pick Queen's
C) says he thinks it would probably be best to just side with his parents
D) says he is pretty sure where he wants to go, he just has to talk to his brother first

On Sep 28, 2024



Which of the following statements is true of intimate terrorism?

A) This kind of violence is gender-neutral in heterosexual couples.
B) Women are much more likely to inflict injury than to sustain it.
C) It occurs infrequently in a relationship and rarely escalates.
D) Its motives are rooted in patriarchal tradition.

On Sep 24, 2024



Which of the following statements about correlations is incorrect?

A) A and B correlate +1.00; therefore, they are causally related.
B) A and B correlate +1.00; if you know A you can predict B without error.
C) A and B correlate -1.00; if you know A you can predict B without error.
D) A correlation of +.90 gives better predictability than a correlation of +.60.

On Sep 22, 2024