


What is objectivity and where did the term originate?

On Jul 12, 2024

Objectivity refers to the concept of perceiving and representing facts without being influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice. It is a principle that emphasizes the importance of neutrality, impartiality, and a consistent method of evaluation that is not affected by personal biases or emotions. Objectivity is often considered a cornerstone of the scientific method, where observations and conclusions must be based on empirical evidence and reproducible experiments rather than subjective opinion.

The term "objectivity" has its roots in the philosophy of science and epistemology, which is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge. The concept has evolved over time, with significant contributions from various philosophers and thinkers.

The origin of the term can be traced back to the Latin word "objectivus," which refers to "of or pertaining to an object," and it was used in philosophical contexts to denote the aspect of being external to the mind, as opposed to "subjectivus," which pertains to the subject experiencing the object. However, the modern understanding of objectivity, especially in the context of scientific inquiry and journalism, developed during the Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries. Philosophers such as René Descartes and John Locke contributed to the idea that knowledge should be based on observations and experiences that are not tainted by individual perspectives.

In the 19th century, the concept of objectivity became more formalized within the scientific community, as researchers sought to establish universal principles and methods that could be applied regardless of the observer. This was a departure from earlier approaches that were more subjective and anecdotal.

In journalism, the concept of objectivity became prominent in the early 20th century, as journalists and news organizations aimed to present information in a fair and balanced manner, free from bias or partisanship. This was in response to the recognition that reporting could influence public opinion and that there was a responsibility to provide accurate and impartial information.

Today, objectivity remains a topic of debate and discussion, particularly in fields such as journalism, history, and the social sciences, where the challenges of achieving true objectivity are well-recognized. Critics argue that complete objectivity is impossible because all human observation and interpretation are inherently subjective. Nonetheless, striving for objectivity remains an important ideal in many disciplines, as it promotes the pursuit of truth and the minimization of bias.


Alicia is a college freshman.During one of her classes a campus group came in to speak about tolerance and diversity.There were several students who shared personal stories about their experiences with discrimination based on their race and sexual orientation.Alicia learned a lot of information she had not known, but still felt like it was not appropriate to interrupt her class for such personal matters.Based on her attitude, what is Alicia's likely level of cultural understanding (biased, in denial, aware, sensitive and respectful, or responsible and active)? As a culturally responsible and active proponent of reaching cultural understanding, what strategies will help develop Alicia's level of cultural understanding?

On Jul 09, 2024

Based on Alicia's attitude, she is likely at the level of cultural understanding of biased or in denial. Her feeling that it was not appropriate to interrupt her class for personal matters shows a lack of sensitivity and respect for the experiences of others.

To help develop Alicia's level of cultural understanding, it would be beneficial to engage her in activities and discussions that promote empathy and perspective-taking. Encouraging her to actively listen to the personal stories of others, engage in open-minded discussions about diversity and inclusion, and participate in cultural awareness workshops or events can help broaden her understanding and foster a more respectful and responsible attitude towards cultural diversity. Additionally, providing her with resources such as books, articles, and documentaries that explore different cultures and perspectives can also aid in expanding her cultural awareness. Ultimately, it is important to create a supportive and inclusive environment where Alicia can learn and grow in her understanding of cultural diversity.


Which of the following sentences best emphasizes the real subject?

A) There are four ways in which investment in clean energy can be increased.
B) Investment in clean energy can be increased in four ways.
C) It is hoped that these changes will improve the usability of the website.
D) There is a possibility that the use of these techniques will result in cost savings.

On Jun 12, 2024



The sentence "Employees who seek their supervisor's advice often can improve their performance" contains an example of which type of modifier?

On Jun 09, 2024

The sentence "Employees who seek their supervisor's advice often can improve their performance" contains an example of a frequency adverb as a modifier. The word "often" is an adverb that modifies the verb phrase "can improve," indicating the frequency with which employees can improve their performance by seeking their supervisor's advice. Adverbs of frequency provide information about how often an action occurs.


Self-reports can be biased by a number of factors, whereas measures of physiological responses can be made directly and are often presumed to be free of bias.

On May 13, 2024



A family-like atmosphere in the classroom that values each students' contributions is called a ______.

A) family literacy practice
B) student behavioral survey
C) community of learners
D) differentiated classroom

On May 10, 2024