


The paragraph below is developed by a specific mode or pattern. Read the paragraph; then answer the questions.
(1) Networks should not present children's shows that contain violence. (2) Children fed a constant diet of TV violence begin to believe that brutality is acceptable. (3) Seeing dogs, cats, and mice pushing each other off roofs and hitting each other with bricks in these shows, children are bound to assume that brutality is and should be a way of life. (4) Another reason for keeping violence out of children's shows is that young viewers may get the idea that violence is not really painful. (5) For example, my neighbor has told me that after a Saturday morning of violent cartoons, her son Paul tends to hit and bully his sister and then seems amazed when, unlike the smiling cartoon characters, she cries. (6) Most important, the consequences of letting our children watch these shows are frightening to imagine. (7) We may be raising a generation of adolescents and then adults so used to watching cruelty on television that they will not be moved to stop it when they see it in real life.
Transitional words or phrases are used in which sentences?

A) (3) , (4) , (5)
B) (4) , (5) , (6)
C) (5) , (6)

On Jul 22, 2024



In each of the following plans, one detail has nothing to do with the topic sentence; it is merely a bit of irrelevant information. Select the irrelevant detail. In my mind's eye is the plan for the perfect workout room.

A) complete Nautilus home gym in center
B) elliptical machine near the door
C) on shelf above the elliptical machine, a color TV
D) exercise helps me think more clearly
E) hot tub with view of woods through one-way glass
F) a treadmill next to the elliptical machine

On Jul 19, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct word for each blank. The Zamboni vacuums the dirty water and replaces it with clean, hot water, which comes out of a hot towel in the ____ rear.

A) Zambonis
B) Zamboni's

On Jun 21, 2024



In each of the following plans, one detail has nothing to do with the topic sentence; it is merely a bit of irrelevant information. Select the letter of the irrelevant detail. The old house had obviously been abandoned long ago.

A) yard choked with tall grass and weeds
B) oak tree with a tire swing
C) rusted iron gate
D) peeling white paint
E) several broken windows
F) spider webs on the front porch

On Jun 18, 2024