


According to Thorndike's law of effect,

A) species-specific biological predispositions favor some learning styles over others.
B) behaviors followed by satisfying outcomes are strengthened and behaviors followed by frustrating outcomes are weakened.
C) negative behaviors can be easily extinguished through classical conditioning.
D) an organism will recover a previously conditioned response when placed in a novel context.

On Jul 13, 2024



Rapid fear reactions to sensory input in the absence of conscious thought are possible because certain neural pathways bypass the

A) hypothalamus.
B) amygdala.
C) thalamus.
D) prefrontal cortex.

On Jul 13, 2024



Joshlyn,who is in her mid-fifties,takes classes at the local college at night and has started attending fitness classes in the morning.According to Rogers,Joshlyn is still striving

A) to reach late adulthood.
B) to reach self-actualization.
C) to achieve self-efficacy.
D) to fulfill a lifelong dream.

On Jun 14, 2024



All of the following are true about aggression EXCEPT which statement?

A) Intention is the key to deciding whether something is aggression or not.
B) Aggression can be measured in a laboratory setting.
C) Instrumental and affective aggression often are blended together to contribute to aggression.
D) Aggressive acts are classified as either instrumental or affective.

On Jun 13, 2024



Skinner conducted a famous study in which he punished bar pressing in rats attempting to obtain food by having the bar slap their paws each time they pressed it. Based on the results of this study, Skinner concluded that punishment is ineffective in the long run. A more accurate conclusion would be

A) punishment becomes more effective with the passage of time.
B) punishment is effective in the long run if it inflicts enough pain.
C) punishment does not weaken a response when no other response is available.
D) negative reinforcement is ineffective in the long run, but punishment is very effective.

On May 15, 2024



When compared to hypnosis, Sigmund Freud found __________ to be a more gradual method of breaking through the walls of defense that block a client's insight into unconscious processes.

A) confirmation bias
B) modeling
C) free association
D) aversive conditioning

On May 14, 2024



Discuss some of the causes of infertility in men.

On May 12, 2024

Answers will vary. A low sperm count-or lack of sperm-is the most common infertility problem in men. Men's fertility problems have a variety of causes: genetic factors, environmental poisons, diabetes, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), overheating of the testes (which happens now and then among athletes, such as long-distance runners), pressure (as from using narrow bicycle seats), aging, certain prescription and illicit drugs, and obesity (American Fertility Association, 2014). Sometimes the sperm count is adequate, but other factors such as prostate or hormonal problems deform sperm or deprive them of their motility. Motility can also be impaired by the scar tissue from infections, such as STIs.