


Which of the following groups is most likely to be involved in imposing labels?

A) the poor
B) the criminal
C) the powerful
D) women

On Sep 30, 2024



Sociologists argue that,while culture can shape drinking patterns,alcoholism is due to personal problems and deficits.

On Sep 29, 2024



Deviant behavior is any behavior considered deviant by public consensus,which may range from the maximum to the minimum.

On Sep 24, 2024



Describe the "nature versus nurture" debate. Explain how most sociologists would answer the question of what makes us human.

On Sep 22, 2024

The "nature versus nurture" debate is a longstanding argument about whether human behavior and traits are primarily influenced by genetics and biology (nature) or by environmental and social factors (nurture). Proponents of the nature side argue that our genetic makeup and biological factors determine our behavior and traits, while proponents of the nurture side argue that our environment, upbringing, and social experiences have a greater impact on who we are.

Most sociologists would argue that both nature and nurture play a significant role in shaping human behavior and traits. They believe that genetics and biology certainly influence our predispositions and abilities, but they also emphasize the importance of socialization, culture, and environmental factors in shaping who we are as individuals. Sociologists would argue that it is the interaction between our genetic makeup and our social environment that ultimately determines our behavior and traits.

In essence, most sociologists would answer the question of what makes us human by emphasizing the complex interplay between nature and nurture. They would argue that our humanity is a result of both our biological inheritance and our social experiences, and that understanding human behavior and traits requires considering both perspectives.