


After Andrew Jackson defeated hostile Creeks in Alabama during the War of 1812,

A) he required the tribe to cede more than half its land to the federal government.
B) he made sure to stipulate that the Creeks who fought with him would keep their land.
C) he retired from public life.
D) he went on to suffer a crushing defeat in the Battle of New Orleans.
E) he decided to prohibit freed men of color from joining his military ranks.

On Jul 04, 2024



Which of the following descriptions accurately characterized the West during the Gilded Age?

A) land the federal government was highly reluctant to give out to individuals and corporations
B) a region where slavery legally persisted because it was so unsettled
C) an area that saw little federal intervention in interactions with Native Americans
D) a variety of regions such as plains, mountains, and desert
E) a haven that remained untouched by the interests of business

On Jul 03, 2024



Bacon's Rebellion was caused by a conflict between blacks and whites in Virginia.

On Jun 04, 2024



Why did French President Louis Napoleon send troops to help restore the pope's power?

A) Louis Napoleon was a devout Catholic.
B) The pope was pro-French.
C) France was asked to do so by the Holy Alliance.
D) Napoleon wanted to curry favor with French Catholics and to counter Austrian influence in Italy.
E) Louis Napoleon wanted to imitate his uncle Napoleon I.

On Jun 03, 2024



Prior to their encounters with Europeans, Indians of North America

A) fully engaged in the practice of diplomacy in trading negotiations.
B) existed peacefully with each other.
C) did not engage in any political maneuvers to enhance their status.
D) engaged in war only when they needed food.

On May 31, 2024



Briefly explain the ways in which Richard Nixon bridged the presidencies of Kennedy and Reagan. Reflect on liberal and conservative ideas in your response.

On May 05, 2024

Richard Nixon was a significant figure in American politics, serving as the 37th President of the United States from 1969 to 1974. He played a crucial role in bridging the presidencies of Kennedy and Reagan in several ways. First, Nixon's presidency marked a shift from the liberal policies of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations to a more conservative approach. He implemented conservative economic policies, such as wage and price controls, and sought to reduce the size of the federal government. Additionally, Nixon's foreign policy initiatives, such as the opening of diplomatic relations with China and détente with the Soviet Union, set the stage for Reagan's foreign policy approach.

Nixon's presidency also had a lasting impact on American politics, as his administration was marred by the Watergate scandal, which ultimately led to his resignation. This event further polarized the American public and contributed to a growing distrust of government institutions. In this way, Nixon's presidency served as a turning point in the political landscape, paving the way for the rise of conservative ideas and the Reagan presidency.

In reflecting on liberal and conservative ideas, Nixon's presidency can be seen as a transitional period between the more liberal policies of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations and the conservative resurgence of the Reagan era. His administration implemented both liberal and conservative policies, reflecting the shifting political climate of the time. Ultimately, Nixon's presidency had a significant historical impact, serving as a bridge between the liberal and conservative ideologies of the mid-20th century.


How did the federal government raise most of the money for the war effort during the First World War?

A) By raising tariff rates
B) By raising income taxes
C) By imposing a national sales tax
D) By borrowing

On May 04, 2024



What turned the case of Terri Schiavo in 2005 into a national obsession?

A) the dramatic accident on an airliner that put her in a coma
B) the fact that she was a veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
C) the fact that Jeb Bush and a conservative theologian got involved
D) The fact that her husband was facing charges for attempted murder

On May 02, 2024



Freedom and an individual's right to vote became interchangeable in the wake of the Revolution. Describe how that transformation came about and how the various state constitutions dealt with voting qualifications.

On May 01, 2024

The transformation of freedom and an individual's right to vote becoming interchangeable in the wake of the Revolution came about as a result of the ideals of democracy and equality that were championed during this time. The American Revolution was fought in part to secure the rights and freedoms of the people, and this included the right to have a say in their government through voting.

As the new United States began to form, the various state constitutions dealt with voting qualifications in different ways. Some states, such as New Jersey, initially allowed all adult white males to vote regardless of property ownership or other qualifications. Other states, such as Virginia, restricted voting rights to those who owned a certain amount of property or paid a certain amount of taxes.

Over time, there was a push to expand voting rights to include more people, particularly those who did not own property. This was seen as a way to further embody the ideals of democracy and equality that were central to the Revolution. Eventually, many states began to eliminate property ownership and tax payment requirements for voting, allowing more individuals to participate in the democratic process.

Overall, the transformation of freedom and the right to vote becoming interchangeable was a result of the revolutionary ideals of democracy and equality, and the various state constitutions dealt with voting qualifications in different ways as they worked to expand voting rights to more individuals.


Examine the rise and fall of the Populist party, making sure that you identify characteristics of the American political system that pose special problems for third parties.

On Apr 30, 2024

The Populist party, also known as the People's Party, was a political party in the United States that emerged in the late 19th century. It was formed by farmers, laborers, and other groups who felt marginalized by the two major parties, the Democrats and Republicans. The party's platform focused on issues such as economic reform, regulation of big business, and the rights of workers.

The Populist party experienced a rapid rise in the 1890s, gaining support from rural and agrarian communities in the South and Midwest. They were able to elect members to Congress and even had a candidate, William Jennings Bryan, run for president in 1896. However, the party ultimately declined and faded away by the early 20th century.

Several factors contributed to the rise and fall of the Populist party. One key factor was the American political system itself, which posed special problems for third parties. The winner-takes-all system of elections and the dominance of the two-party system made it difficult for third parties to gain a foothold. Additionally, the major parties were able to co-opt some of the Populist party's platform, making it harder for them to distinguish themselves.

Furthermore, the Populist party faced challenges in organizing and maintaining a cohesive coalition. The party was made up of diverse groups with different interests, and internal divisions weakened its ability to effectively challenge the major parties.

In conclusion, the rise and fall of the Populist party was influenced by the characteristics of the American political system that posed challenges for third parties. Despite its decline, the party's legacy can be seen in the influence it had on later progressive movements and the lasting impact of some of its policy proposals.