


Is development continuous or discontinuous?

A) Continuous only
B) Discontinuous only
C) The answer to this is not known.
D) Both; it depends on what aspect of development is being studied

On Aug 01, 2024



The researcher associated with developing the triarchic theory is

A) Raymond Cattell
B) Francis Crick
C) Alan Turing
D) Robert Sternberg

On Jul 06, 2024



Roberta is trying to decide whether to vote for a political candidate. Based on what she has read about him, she has concluded that he is not qualified for the position, but she agrees with his political positions. Also, she trusts him and likes his decisive personality. In fact, she likes him so much that she sent a small donation to his campaign. Her trust of the candidate represents the ______ component of her attitude toward him.

A) affective
B) cognitive
C) behavioral
D) situational

On Jul 02, 2024



When you experience pleasure or pain,you are likely activating your:

A) prefrontal cortex.
B) hippocampus.
C) pituitary gland.
D) limbic system.

On Jun 06, 2024



A) Describe non-associative learning and associative learning.
B) Name and explain one type of non-associative learning.
C) Explain how non-associative learning is helpful because it allows people to adapt to their environments.

On Jun 02, 2024

A) Non-associative learning is learning about a single stimulus in the external world.Associative learning is learning the relationship between two pieces of information.
B) Habituation is a decrease in behavioral response to a stimulus after repeated exposure.Sensitization is an increased behavioral response to a stimulus after repeated exposure.
C) Non-associative learning is adaptive because it allows us to function on a day-to-day basis (habituation allows us to ignore unimportant stimuli so we can focus attention elsewhere) and also prepares us to respond to an important situation (tells us when we need to pay attention to a stimulus we have experienced many times before).


Which factor is NOT associated with wisdom?

A) putting aside one's personal needs
B) quickly solving novel problems
C) self-reflective honesty
D) perspective on past living

On May 06, 2024



Mr.and Mrs.Hernandez are parents of newborn Glen.The pediatrician tells them that Glen's height falls at the 92nd percentile.This means that Glen is:

A) above average in height.
B) below average in height.
C) eating too often.
D) underweight.

On May 03, 2024



The biological treatment known as psychosurgery would MOST likely be used in the treatment of a patient with:

A) a severe disorder that is also associated with a high risk of suicide.
B) a severe mental illness and who is not a candidate for brain stimulation therapy.
C) moderate to severe mental illness and a coexisting developmental disorder.
D) a severe disorder and who has not responded to any other therapies over years of treatment.

On Apr 30, 2024