


In psychodynamic theory, the unconscious mind is the __________.

A) thoughts and feelings we are not aware of
B) part of our mind within our awareness
C) Mind's ego
D) determining factor in our sexuality

On Jun 29, 2024



We seek others' company not only for the benefits we derive from social contact, but also because we do not want to be alone or rejected.

A) Drive theories are sufficient to explain motives to belong.
B) Approach theories are sufficient to explain motives to belong.
C) Both drive and approach theories are necessary to explain motives to belong.
D) Neither drive nor approach theories can be applied to motives to belong.

On Jun 29, 2024



In experimental research, demand characteristics tend to

A) increase the reliability of a study.
B) eliminate confounds in a study.
C) threaten the validity of a study.
D) affect the duration of a study.

On Jun 02, 2024



What are some of the ways that teachers can help motivate all students to do their best?

On May 30, 2024

Answers will vary. Teachers can help motivate all students to do their best in various ways. Here are some suggestions:
~Make the classroom and the lesson interesting and inviting.
~Ensure that students can profit from social interaction.
~Make the classroom a safe and pleasant place.
~Recognize that students' backgrounds can give rise to diverse patterns of needs.
~Help students take appropriate responsibility for their successes and failures.
~Encourage students to perceive the links between their own efforts and their achievements.
~Help students set attainable short-term goals.