


A businessman has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and has poor prognosis because the disease is progressing very quickly.To help the patient maintain a sense of hope,what should the nurse do?

A) Help the patient set realistic goals.
B) Assure the patient that he will be well cared for and does not need to do anything.
C) Impress on the family the importance of limiting visiting hours to provide rest.
D) Withhold negative information about the patient's disease processes.

On May 15, 2024



A nurse is using the critical thinking skill of evaluation. Which action will the nurse take?

A) Examine the meaning of data.
B) Support findings and conclusions.
C) Review the effectiveness of nursing actions.
D) Search for links between the data and the nurse's assumptions.

On May 15, 2024



_________________ beds are for patients who are immobile or otherwise are confined to the bed;they support a patient's weight on air-filled cushions.

On May 13, 2024

Air-suspension beds are for patients who are immobile or otherwise are confined to the bed.The air-suspension bed supports a patient's weight on air-filled cushions.


A patient has suddenly developed shortness of breath and appears to be in significant respiratory distress. After calling the physician and placing the patient on oxygen, which of these actions is the best for the nurse to take when further assessing the patient?

A) Count the patient's respirations.
B) Bilaterally percuss the thorax, noting any differences in percussion tones.
C) Call for a chest x-ray, and wait for the results before beginning an assessment.
D) Inspect the thorax for any new masses and bleeding associated with respirations.

On May 12, 2024



Which pain relieving option should be avoided by a patient with chronic back pain who must continue to work as a truck driver?

A) Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit
B) Naproxen sodium 200 mg PO every 12 hours
C) Tramadol extended release 200 mg PO daily
D) Application of hot and cold packs to the lower back area

On May 11, 2024