


The ultimate burden of the corporate profits tax appears to depend on all of the following except

A) the relative capital/labor intensity of the corporate and noncorporate sectors.
B) the ease with which capital and labor can be substituted in the corporate and noncorporate sectors.
C) the elasticities of demand for the products produced in the corporate and noncorporate sectors.
D) the tax rate structure of the corporate profits tax.

On Jul 22, 2024



Human resource professionals have identified three types of goal-sharing plans.Which of the following is NOT one of those types?

A) standard plus plans
B) single-goal plans
C) multi-goal plans
D) financially funded plans

On Jul 21, 2024



The purchaser or lessee must have purchased or leased the good from a merchant in order to invoke the implied warranty of merchantability.

On Jun 22, 2024



If you were the chief sustainability officer of a company, what would be your responsibilities?

On Jun 21, 2024

Answers will vary. As the world has become more and more outspoken about the challenges of sustainability, companies have followed suit by putting their money where their mouths are, creating whole units to sustain their sustainability efforts. In many cases these efforts are being led by a chief sustainability officer (CSO).
What exactly does a CSO do? Does the job make a difference? Doubts about whether having a sustainability officer matters have been raised in the wake of disasters caused by companies that have appointed them. For example, in 2010 a company that drills offshore oil and operated the Deepwater Horizon rig was responsible for the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the industry.
The company that owned the rig had a sustainability officer who had not sufficiently addressed the issues that led to the disaster. Sometimes disasters occur regardless of what we do to stop them, but it later became apparent that this case could have been prevented.
In other cases, a CSO has brought measurable change. Kathrin Winkler, the CSO of EMC, a global information technology company, institutes sustainability requirements for every software and hardware product, including an energy-efficiency review before launch. To date, these changes have led to more energy-efficient products and increased savings for the company. But Winkler points out that what she does also affects the company's employees, making them more engaged: "People care about their legacy and want to know that their work makes a positive impact. They want to work for companies whose values align with their own."
The section "Sustaining Sustainability" on page 152 discusses the roles of a chief sustainability officer with examples. Students can use this section to make their own interpretation and answer this question.


After conducting an audience analysis,what is the next step in the writing process?

A) Gathering information
B) Writing the communication
C) Refining the topics to be covered in the communication
D) Developing the first draft of the communication
E) Determining the channel and medium for the communication

On May 23, 2024



In Charles Handy's description of changing careers, a person who performs specific tasks as needed and is compensated on a fee-for-services basis is a:

A) part-time worker.
B) contract worker.
C) service worker.
D) licensed worker.
E) holiday worker.

On May 22, 2024