


Doug, the 17-year-old brother of a friend of yours, bought your old car from you three months ago to get him to and from his new job. He needed a car because there was no public transportation in that area. You agreed to let him pay in 36 monthly installments of $200, but he has paid you only once so far. Yesterday, you asked him to pay up and he told you he had spent all he had earned. When you told him you would have to take him to court, he said that an adult cannot sue a minor on a contract. Today, a tow truck left the remains of the car in your driveway; it had been so badly damaged in an accident that was Doug's fault that it was a write-off. A note on the windshield said "Your car doesn't run too well, but I won't sue. Let's call it quits. Best wishes, Doug." Under your contract he was to have insured the car, but he did not.
a. Discuss whether you have any recourse against Doug.
b. If Doug had bought the car, simply for normal driving, would your answer be any different, and why or why not?

On Jul 28, 2024

a. This is an executor contract for a necessary, so Doug as a minor can be held to it. Since he has not paid, he is in breach of the contract and can be sued. He must take responsibility for the payments for the damaged car.
b. If he does not need the car to go to and from work, it is not a necessary and he therefore is not liable, as a general rule, if he chooses to repudiate the contract. He is, however, required to return the goods in whatever condition they are in and this he has done. You cannot sue him in tort for the damage because you clearly expected him to drive the car and had required him to have insurance, so you contemplated that there might be damage. You would be trying to recover the payments not made, a contractual matter, through the use of a tort action and this the court will not allow.


Which of the following describes employees who change employers as part of a conscious career strategy?

A) contract workers
B) job hoppers
C) part-time employees
D) temporary workers
E) sponsors

On Jun 29, 2024



Colgate, like any major consumer products company, is always looking for opportunities to expand its product lines. What two industry factors often influence product line expansion decisions?

On Jun 28, 2024

Firms expand product lines when it is relatively easy to enter a specific market, and\or when there is substantial market opportunity.


(Figure: The Market for Gas Stations) Use Figure: The Market for Gas Stations.The figure shows curves facing a typical gas station in a large town.The market is characterized by many firms,differentiated products,easy entry,and easy exit.If the gas station here is typical,prices charged by firms in the market are likely to:

A) fall in the long run.
B) rise in the long run.
C) remain unchanged.
D) rise dramatically in the long run.

On May 30, 2024



Corrective advertising is an order from the FTC that requires the seller's future advertisements to correct false impressions created by its past advertisements.

On May 29, 2024
