


List three factors that are related to an increased tendency to conform.

On Jul 28, 2024

Three factors that are related to an increased tendency to conform include:

1. Group Size: The size of the group can significantly influence an individual's likelihood to conform. Generally, conformity increases as the group size increases, but only up to a point. Research suggests that a group size of three to five people is optimal for inducing conformity. Beyond that number, additional members have less of an effect.

2. Group Cohesiveness: When individuals feel a strong sense of belonging and identification with a group, they are more likely to conform to the group's norms and behaviors. Cohesiveness can be fostered by factors such as time spent together, mutual attraction, shared goals, and interdependence among group members. The desire to maintain relationships and be accepted by the group can drive conformity.

3. Social Norms and Cultural Expectations: Different societies and cultures have varying expectations regarding conformity. In cultures that place a high value on social harmony and community, such as many Asian cultures, there is often a greater tendency to conform. Additionally, when social norms are clear and well-established, individuals are more likely to conform to them to avoid standing out or being socially sanctioned.

Other factors that can also contribute to an increased tendency to conform include the presence of an authority figure, the unanimity of the group, the public nature of responses (public responses tend to lead to higher conformity than private ones), and the ambiguity of the situation (people are more likely to conform when they are unsure of the correct behavior or answer).


The refractory period is a

A) postorgasmic period when females are relatively unresponsive to sexual stimulation.
B) postorgasmic period when males are relatively unresponsive to sexual stimulation.
C) preorgasmic period when males are relatively unresponsive to sexual stimulation.
D) prepubescent period when males and females are relatively unresponsive to sexual stimulation.

On Jul 22, 2024



How do the language abilities of bonobos used in recent studies differ from those of the common chimpanzees used in earlier studies?

A) Bonobos communicate only with each other, not with people.
B) The common chimps were better at making original, creative requests.
C) Bonobos are more likely to use symbols to describe objects they are not requesting.
D) The common chimps showed a better understanding of spoken language.

On Jul 16, 2024



Which list represents the correct order for the three stages of Selye's general adaptation syndrome

A)  recognition, reaction, evaluation 
B)  primary, secondary, tertiary 
C)  alarm, resistance, exhaustion 
D)  detection, adaptation, recovery

On Jun 28, 2024



Which of the following is most likely to occur in societies where people are educated and free to think for themselves?

A) Old ways of thinking are appreciated and followed.
B) Decision making takes less time.
C) People are more apt to disagree about important decisions.
D) Policy issues become less complicated to resolve.

On Jun 15, 2024



The drug formulated in 1912 but not widely used until the 1990s is 

D) heroin.

On Jun 11, 2024



Barbara is trying to promote infant language development in her child.She should

A) be an active conversation partner with her infant or child.
B) talk as if the infant understands what is being said.
C) use a comfortable language style.
D) All of these.

On May 15, 2024



Which of the following statements is most likely true of binge-eating disorder (BED) ?

A) During a binge-eating episode, the individual eats slower than normal.
B) People feel out of control during the binge.
C) The prevalence of BED is the same for both men and women.
D) Men are diagnosed with BED about twice as often as women.

On May 12, 2024



Ann-Marie started walking when she was 10 months old;Claire is just beginning to take steps by herself at 13 months.Which conclusion is MOST likely true?

A) Ann-Marie is more intelligent than Claire.
B) Claire is malnourished.
C) Claire is physically handicapped.
D) Both girls are developing normally.

On May 08, 2024