


National defense is an example of a ____________________.

On Jul 27, 2024

public good


The following table shows per-day production data of rice and T-shirts for two countries,Cambria and Bodoni.Based on the table,it can be said that Cambria has a comparative advantage in the production of rice.
Table 19.1
 Cambria  Bodoni  Tons of rice per  day  T-shirts per day  Tons of rice per  day  T-shirts per day 2001000080001000\begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | } \hline { \text { Cambria } } & & { \text { Bodoni } } \\\hline \begin{array} { c } \text { Tons of rice per } \\\text { day }\end{array} & \text { T-shirts per day } & \begin{array} { c } \text { Tons of rice per } \\\text { day }\end{array} & \text { T-shirts per day } \\\hline 20 & 0 & 100 & 0 \\\hline 0 & 800 & 0 & 1000 \\\hline\end{array} Cambria  Tons of rice per  day 200 T-shirts per day 0800 Bodoni  Tons of rice per  day 1000 T-shirts per day 01000

On Jul 23, 2024



Which of the following is a term for a common language used among speakers of other languages?

A) lingua britannia
B) lingua franca
C) lingua esperanto
D) lingua universale
E) lingua americano

On Jun 26, 2024



The cost graphs below show various types of cost behaviors.For each of the following costs, identify the cost graph that best describes its cost behavior as the number of units produced and sold increases: The cost graphs below show various types of cost behaviors.For each of the following costs, identify the cost graph that best describes its cost behavior as the number of units produced and sold increases:   (a)Sales commissions of $6,000 plus $0.05 for each item sold (b)Rent on warehouse of $12,000 per month (c)Insurance costs of $2,500 per month (d)Per-unit cost of direct labor (e)Total salaries of quality control supervisors  (One supervisor must be added for each additional work shift.) (f)Total employer pension costs of $0.35 per direct labor hour (g)Per-unit straight-line depreciation costs (h)Per-unit cost of direct materials (i)Total direct materials cost (j)Electricity costs of $5,000 per month plus $0.0004 per kilowatt-hour (k)Per-unit cost of plant superintendent's salary (l)Salary of the night-time security guard of $3,800 per month (m)Repairs and maintenance costs of $3,000 for each 2,000 hours of factory machine usage (n)Total direct labor cost (o)Straight-line depreciation on factory equipment (a)Sales commissions of $6,000 plus $0.05 for each item sold
(b)Rent on warehouse of $12,000 per month
(c)Insurance costs of $2,500 per month
(d)Per-unit cost of direct labor
(e)Total salaries of quality control supervisors
(One supervisor must be added for each additional work shift.)
(f)Total employer pension costs of $0.35 per direct labor hour
(g)Per-unit straight-line depreciation costs
(h)Per-unit cost of direct materials
(i)Total direct materials cost
(j)Electricity costs of $5,000 per month plus $0.0004 per kilowatt-hour
(k)Per-unit cost of plant superintendent's salary
(l)Salary of the night-time security guard of $3,800 per month
(m)Repairs and maintenance costs of $3,000 for each 2,000 hours of factory machine usage
(n)Total direct labor cost
(o)Straight-line depreciation on factory equipment

On Jun 23, 2024



Prepare journal entries to record the following merchandising transactions of Margin Company,which applies the perpetual inventory system and the gross method of recording invoices.Margin Company offers all of its credit customers credit terms of 2/10,n/30.
Prepare journal entries to record the following merchandising transactions of Margin Company,which applies the perpetual inventory system and the gross method of recording invoices.Margin Company offers all of its credit customers credit terms of 2/10,n/30.

On May 27, 2024



Dai executes a will and provides copies to all her children.Later,she prepares a different will and destroys the first original will,but not the copies.Has the original will been canceled?

A) No,since the copies still exist.
B) Yes,even though copies exist,Dai destroyed the original.
C) No,since delivering the copies prevents Dai from later changing her will.
D) Yes,since the last will is always the one probated.

On May 24, 2024