


Carl Jung's childhood experiences included

A) a typically happy and peaceful Swiss family life.
B) the attention and adoration of a young and attractive mother.
C) a life of ease based on his father's success in business.
D) personal loneliness plus the marital conflicts and mental instability of his parents.

On Sep 27, 2024



Suppose that Al is obese, and you are prejudiced against obese people. Which of the following would be the BEST example of stigma by association?

A) You evaluate people less positively when you find out they are friends with Al.
B) You assume that because Al is obese, he probably has several other negative qualities as well (slovenliness, inarticulateness, etc.) .
C) You assume that Al is similar to other obese people.
D) You try not to associate with Al because at some level you are afraid (albeit irrationally) of becoming obese yourself.

On Sep 23, 2024