


The nonscientific belief that the movement of the stars,planets,and sun influence human events is known as

A) astrology.
B) astronomy.
C) cartography.
D) astro-manipulation.
E) astrophysics.

On Jul 21, 2024



When the 1987 INF treaty was concluded between the United States and the Soviet Union, the two world superpowers agreed to _______________________.

A) limit the number of nuclear warheads on each intercontinental ballistic missile
B) limit their production of weapons-grade plutonium
C) demilitarize outer space
D) destroy all their land-based intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe

On Jul 18, 2024



Most listeners of Father Charles Coughlin were

A) socialists.
B) Catholics.
C) Evangelicals.
D) Republicans.

On Jun 20, 2024



Which of the following controversial measures gave additional powers to slave owners to recapture slaves, and angered Northerners by requiring their complicity in the return of fugitive slaves?

A) Fugitive Slave Act
B) Wilmot Proviso
C) Kansas-Nebraska Act
D) Underground Railroad Act

On Jun 17, 2024



Discuss the international economic policies of the United States from 1918 to the beginning of the Great Depression, and explain why those policies failed to sustain a healthy world economy.

On May 21, 2024

The international economic policies of the United States from 1918 to the beginning of the Great Depression were characterized by a focus on protectionism and isolationism. After World War I, the U.S. government implemented high tariffs on imported goods through the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930, in an attempt to protect American industries from foreign competition. Additionally, the U.S. pursued a policy of non-intervention in European affairs, as evidenced by its refusal to join the League of Nations.

These policies ultimately failed to sustain a healthy world economy for several reasons. Firstly, the high tariffs imposed by the U.S. led to retaliatory measures by other countries, resulting in a decline in international trade and exacerbating the global economic downturn. Secondly, the U.S. decision to isolate itself from international affairs contributed to a lack of cooperation and coordination among nations, hindering efforts to address economic challenges on a global scale. Finally, the U.S. stock market crash of 1929 and subsequent Great Depression had a ripple effect on the global economy, further undermining the effectiveness of U.S. economic policies.

In conclusion, the international economic policies of the United States from 1918 to the beginning of the Great Depression failed to sustain a healthy world economy due to their focus on protectionism and isolationism, which led to a decline in international trade, lack of global cooperation, and the spread of economic instability.


The most decisive factor in winning the vote for women was the ________________.

A) participation of women as laborers and volunteers on the home front during the First World War
B) active picketing and marching of the National Woman's Party
C) propaganda campaigns of the National American Women Suffrage Association
D) commitment of the Democratic party leadership in the 1916 election to women's suffrage

On May 18, 2024