


If there are external costs of production and firms do not have to account for these costs, then the firms will ________ and ________ compared with the efficient values.

A) underproduce; underprice
B) underproduce; overprice
C) overproduce; underprice
D) overproduce; overprice

On Jul 31, 2024



Which of the following actions would result in a successful tort action by the person or persons wronged? Assume that all the persons involved learn these facts.

A) Mr. Meen wrote a letter to the editor of the Vancouver Sun in which he criticized the mayor of Vancouver.
B) When Jed accidentally dropped a board and broke Al's glasses, Al threw a cup at Jed, but Jed saw it coming and moved away in time to avoid being hit.
C) A store detective stopped Joan after she left the shop because he saw her leave with candy she didn't pay for. She had slipped the unpaid-for candy into her pocket. He detained her for 20 minutes until the police came.
D) An accountant accurately prepared the financial statements of a corporation that he knew would be used by a potential investor, Mr. Lam. Lam, relying on the statements, invested $10 000 and lost it all.
E) Ed became sick from consuming too much alcohol that he had purchased from the store.

On Jul 28, 2024



The land reported on the balance sheet is closest to:

A) $100,000.
B) $38,550.
C) $110,000.
D) $71,446.

On Jul 01, 2024



Which of the following is another name for a programmed problem solution technique?

A) Rules
B) Routines
C) Rules of thumb
D) Standard operating procedures
E) All of the above

On Jun 28, 2024



In the ________ stage of conscious marketing, a firm will decide what level of commitment to its ethical policies and standards it is willing to declare publicly and how the firm plans to balance the needs of its various stakeholders.

A) brainstorming
B) implementation
C) planning
D) control
E) evaluation

On Jun 01, 2024



Explain the difference between primary and secondary reinforcers.

On May 29, 2024

A primary reinforcer is an event for which the individual already knows the value.Food, shelter,and water are primary reinforcers.However,primary reinforcers don't always act as reinforcers,given a particular situation.For example,food may not be a reinforcer to someone who has just completed a five-course meal.
In organizations,secondary reinforcers influence most behaviors.A secondary reinforcer is an event that once had neutral value but has taken on some value (positive or negative)for an individual because of past experience.Money is an obvious example of a secondary reinforcer.Although it can't directly satisfy a basic human need,money has value because an individual can use it to purchase both necessities and discretionary items.


A(n) ________ contract contains multiple parts that can each be performed separately.

A) in pari delicto
B) substantive
C) adhesion
D) executed
E) severable

On May 02, 2024



Short-term schedules are prepared

A) directly from the aggregate plans.
B) directly from the capacity plans.
C) from inventory records for items that have been used up.
D) from master schedules which are derived from aggregate plans.
E) from the purchasing plans.

On Apr 29, 2024