


What was the Mission to the Slaves?

On Jul 15, 2024

pro-slavery Christianity; sought to improve slaveholders' treatment of slaves, under threat of church sanction; encouraged limited literacy for slaves


What did Georges Clemenceau,France's prime minister,most want in the Treaty of Versailles?

A) to punish Germany for its role in starting the conflict
B) an international organization to settle future disputes peacefully
C) a peace that was not overly punitive,to ensure it would last
D) control of Germany's African colonies
E) assurances of future military aid from the United States

On Jul 12, 2024



Examine the relations among the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union during the Second World War. What were the major differences among the Big Three? How were those differences resolved?

On Jun 14, 2024

During the Second World War, the relations among the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union were complex and often strained. The three nations formed the "Big Three" alliance, which was crucial in defeating Nazi Germany and its allies.

The major differences among the Big Three stemmed from their differing ideologies and national interests. The United States and Great Britain were capitalist democracies, while the Soviet Union was a communist state. This ideological divide led to suspicions and mistrust among the allies. Additionally, there were disagreements over the post-war reorganization of Europe and the establishment of a new world order.

One of the major differences among the Big Three was the issue of opening a second front in Europe. The Soviet Union, which was bearing the brunt of the fighting against Nazi Germany, repeatedly urged the United States and Great Britain to open a second front in Western Europe to relieve pressure on the Eastern Front. However, the US and Britain were hesitant to commit to a full-scale invasion until they were fully prepared.

Another major difference was the post-war division of Europe. The Soviet Union sought to establish a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe, while the US and Britain were committed to promoting democracy and self-determination in the region.

These differences were resolved through a series of high-level conferences between the leaders of the Big Three. The Tehran Conference in 1943, the Yalta Conference in 1945, and the Potsdam Conference in 1945 were crucial in addressing these differences and reaching agreements on the post-war order. At these conferences, the leaders of the Big Three discussed and negotiated their respective interests and reached compromises on issues such as the division of Germany, the establishment of the United Nations, and the post-war reorganization of Europe.

Ultimately, despite their differences, the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union were able to work together to defeat Nazi Germany and its allies. The alliance among the Big Three was instrumental in shaping the post-war world and laying the groundwork for the Cold War.


Identify who, what, where, when, and/or why the following are important:
1. Diaspora
2. Grand Settlement of 1701
3. Presidio
4. Caddo
5. Yamasee War
6. Salutary neglect
7. "Four Indian Kings"
8. Guy Fawkes Day
9. Jamaican maroons
10. French-Fox alliance

On Jun 12, 2024

1. Diaspora - The diaspora refers to the dispersion of a group of people from their original homeland. This is important in understanding the movement and settlement of various cultural and ethnic groups around the world.

2. Grand Settlement of 1701 - This was an important treaty signed between the Iroquois Confederacy and the British colonies in North America. It helped to establish peace and trade relations between the two parties, and set the stage for future interactions between Native American tribes and European settlers.

3. Presidio - A presidio was a fortified military settlement established by the Spanish in their North American colonies. These were important in protecting Spanish interests and maintaining control over the region.

4. Caddo - The Caddo were a Native American tribe that inhabited the southern plains of the United States. They were important in the early history of the region and played a significant role in interactions with European settlers.

5. Yamasee War - The Yamasee War was a conflict between British colonists and various Native American tribes in the southeastern United States. It was an important event in the history of colonial America and had lasting effects on the relationships between Native Americans and European settlers.

6. Salutary neglect - This was a British policy of loosely enforcing trade regulations and allowing the American colonies a degree of self-governance. It was important in shaping the development of the colonies and their eventual push for independence.

7. "Four Indian Kings" - This refers to a group of Native American leaders who visited England in 1710 to meet with Queen Anne. Their visit was important in shaping European perceptions of Native Americans and influencing diplomatic relations between the two groups.

8. Guy Fawkes Day - This is a British holiday commemorating the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in which a group of Catholics attempted to assassinate King James I. It is important in British history and is still celebrated today.

9. Jamaican maroons - The Jamaican maroons were communities of escaped slaves who formed their own societies in the mountains of Jamaica. They were important in the resistance against slavery and in the eventual abolition of the practice in the region.

10. French-Fox alliance - This was an alliance between the French and the Fox Native American tribe in the Great Lakes region. It was important in shaping the balance of power between European colonial powers and in the interactions between Native American tribes and European settlers.


How did the position of the royal governors change by the mid 18th century?

A) They were told by the English government to ease up on colonial control.
B) They had an easier job than their counterparts in England.
C) Royal governors were often hampered by the increase in the number of male voters.
D) Elected colonial assemblies usually deferred to their wishes.

On Jun 11, 2024