


When we have an optimum resource mix for the firm,

A) the MRP of land = the price of land.
B) the MPP of land = the price of land.
C) All of the choices are true.
D) Neither of the choices are true.

On May 15, 2024



What are the assumptions of the EOQ model?

On May 15, 2024

The more important assumptions of the basic EOQ model are demand is known and constant over time, the lead time, that is, the time between the placement of the order and the receipt of the goods, is known and constant, the receipt of the inventory is instantaneous; i.e., the goods arrive in a single batch, at one instant in time, quantity discounts are not possible, the only variable costs are the cost of setting up or placing an order and the cost of holding or storing inventory over time, and if orders are placed at the right time, stockouts or shortages can be completely avoided.


Identify the five components of job design.

On May 15, 2024

The five components of job design include job specialization, job expansion, psychological components, self-directed teams, and motivation & incentive systems.


Some people have argued that government should provide only those goods that we would truly define as public goods.If so,which of the following should government provide?

A) National defense
B) Daycare centers for children of working mothers
C) Mail delivery
D) Unemployment benefits
E) Subsidies for agricultural products

On May 15, 2024



We know that Sonya has prosocial motivation because she ________.

A) goes out of her way to help coworkers
B) has about 1,000 friends on her favorite social networking site
C) has difficulty getting started working in the morning
D) is strongly motivated by money

On May 15, 2024



Hanover Tech is currently an all equity firm that has 130,000 shares of stock outstanding with a market price of $36 a share. The current cost of equity is 14% and the tax rate is 35%. The firm is considering adding $1.5 million of debt with a coupon rate of 7% to its capital structure. The debt will be sold at par value. What is the levered value of the equity?

A) $3.180m
B) $3.520m
C) $3.705m
D) $4.875m
E) $5.205m

On May 15, 2024



Abusive supervision is especially damaging to employee ________.

On May 11, 2024
