


If events A and B cannot occur at the same time,they are called mutually exclusive.

On Sep 25, 2024



Doctors studying how the human body assimilates medication inject some patients with penicillin,and then monitor the concentration of the drug (in units/cc)in the patients' blood for seven hours.First they tried to fit a linear model.The regression analysis and residuals plot are shown.Is that estimate likely to be accurate,too low,or too high? Explain. Dependent variable is:                  Concentration
No Selector
R squared =90.8%= 90.8 \% \quad=90.8% R squared (adjusted) =90.6%= 90.6 \%=90.6%
s=3.472s = 3.472s=3.472 with 43−2=4143 - 2 = 41432=41 degrees of freedom
 Source  Sum of Squares  df  Mean Square  F-ratio  Regression 4900.5514900.55407 Residual 494.1994112.0536\begin{array} { l l r r r } \text { Source } & \text { Sum of Squares } & \text { df } & \text { Mean Square } & \text { F-ratio } \\ \text { Regression } & 4900.55 & 1 & 4900.55 & 407 \\ \text { Residual } & 494.199 & 41 & 12.0536 & \end{array} Source  Regression  Residual  Sum of Squares 4900.55494.199 df 141 Mean Square 4900.5512.0536 F-ratio 407

 Variable  Coefficient  s.e. of Coeff  t-ratio  prob  Constant 40.32661.29531.1 S 0.0001 Time −5.959560.2956−20.2 S 0.0001\begin{array} { l l l r l } \text { Variable } & \text { Coefficient } & \text { s.e. of Coeff } & \text { t-ratio } & \text { prob } \\ \text { Constant } & 40.3266 & 1.295 & 31.1 & \text { S } 0.0001 \\ \text { Time } & - 5.95956 & 0.2956 & - 20.2 & \text { S } 0.0001 \end{array} Variable  Constant  Time  Coefficient 40.32665.95956 s.e. of Coeff 1.2950.2956 t-ratio 31.120.2 prob  S 0.0001 S 0.0001  Doctors studying how the human body assimilates medication inject some patients with penicillin,and then monitor the concentration of the drug (in units/cc)in the patients' blood for seven hours.First they tried to fit a linear model.The regression analysis and residuals plot are shown.Is that estimate likely to be accurate,too low,or too high? Explain. Dependent variable is:                  Concentration No Selector R squared  = 90.8 \% \quad  R squared (adjusted)  = 90.6 \%   s = 3.472  with  43 - 2 = 41  degrees of freedom  \begin{array} { l l r r r } \text { Source } & \text { Sum of Squares } & \text { df } & \text { Mean Square } & \text { F-ratio } \\ \text { Regression } & 4900.55 & 1 & 4900.55 & 407 \\ \text { Residual } & 494.199 & 41 & 12.0536 & \end{array}    \begin{array} { l l l r l } \text { Variable } & \text { Coefficient } & \text { s.e. of Coeff } & \text { t-ratio } & \text { prob } \\ \text { Constant } & 40.3266 & 1.295 & 31.1 & \text { S } 0.0001 \\ \text { Time } & - 5.95956 & 0.2956 & - 20.2 & \text { S } 0.0001 \end{array}

On Sep 22, 2024

Too high; the residuals are generally negative for times between 2 and 5 hours.