


Gabriel needs to apply special formatting to the first column in a table.Which of the following boxes should be check in the Table Style Options group?

A) First Column
B) Last Column
C) Banded Columns
D) Header Column

On Jul 10, 2024



To assess whether or not features of a document will be lost when viewed in previous versions of Word, which of the following should be done? ?

A) Inspect the document.
B) Check the document for compatibility.
C) Check the document for spelling and grammar errors.
D) Protect the document.

On Jul 07, 2024



You can use Goal Seek to determine how many products to sell to earn a targeted profit amount.

On Jun 10, 2024



An example of secondary memory is:

C) hard disk
D) all of the above

On Jun 07, 2024



For the timer program shown, the timer starts timing when: For the timer program shown, the timer starts timing when:   A) PB1 is open. B) PB1 is closed. C) SS1 is open. D) SS1 is closed.

A) PB1 is open.
B) PB1 is closed.
C) SS1 is open.
D) SS1 is closed.

On May 11, 2024



List and describe the four fundamental questions/decisions/strategies for acquiring IT applications (including the sub-parts). You've justified your IT investment, so now you need to decide how you want to pursue it. You are an entrepreneur who wants to start your own small business; how would you answer these questions? Now assume you are the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company; how would you answer these questions?

On May 08, 2024

How much computer code does the company want to write? Prewritten (no code), customize prewritten (some code), custom-write (all new code); small - either prewritten (could actually be cheaper) or custom-write/customize if the student knows programming or knows someone who can program; large - any option is good because they have the money to do what they want - time is the big issue with customization so it may be easiest to purchase prewritten but that could harm strategic advantage (have the same software as everyone else) - so it depends on the strategy
How will the company pay for the application? Buy or lease; small - leasing may be the best option to get the business started; large - this depends on the student's perspective of buying/leasing - some feel buying is cheaper in the long run while others feel leasing is the best because upgrading is often easier (but it is more expensive in the long-run)
Where will the application run? In-house or outsourcing; small - Outsourcing may be the cheapest way of doing this so the company doesn't have to buy hardware or hire IT personnel; large - could make the same argument as small but many large organizations already have an IT staff that can manage these things in-house
Where will the application originate? Open-source, vendor, customized, in-house, customized; small - open-source or outsourcing could be viable options because it is cheaper but see above arguments; large - see above arguments