


seek emotional-sexual relationships with members of both genders. 

A) Asexual people
B) Bisexuals
C) Homosexuals
D) Heterosexuals

On Jul 23, 2024



List and explain the three qualities that make up a hardy personality.

On Jul 22, 2024

A hardy personality is characterized by three main qualities: commitment, control, and challenge.

1. Commitment: Hardy individuals are deeply committed to their goals, values, and beliefs. They have a strong sense of purpose and are dedicated to pursuing their objectives despite obstacles or setbacks. This commitment provides them with a sense of direction and resilience in the face of adversity.

2. Control: Hardy individuals have a strong sense of personal control over their lives. They believe that they have the power to influence their circumstances and outcomes through their own actions and choices. This sense of control helps them to cope with stress and uncertainty, as they are able to focus on what they can change rather than feeling helpless or overwhelmed.

3. Challenge: Hardy individuals view life's challenges as opportunities for growth and development. They are open to new experiences and are willing to take on difficult tasks or confront obstacles in order to learn and improve. Rather than avoiding or fearing adversity, they embrace it as a chance to build resilience and develop new skills.

Overall, a hardy personality is characterized by a strong sense of commitment, control, and a willingness to embrace challenges. These qualities enable individuals to navigate life's ups and downs with resilience and determination.


There is a trend in children who receive 1/3 of their daily caloric intake from restaurants.This has amount is _______ the percentage consumed at home.

A) double
B) triple
C) quadruple
D) the same

On Jun 23, 2024



Sexual satisfaction and maintenance of passion were lower among people who had sex most frequently and received more oral sex than others.

On Jun 22, 2024



The suprachiasmatic nucleus is a pair of cell clusters in the ________ that controls circadian rhythm.

A) pineal gland
B) brainstem
C) motor cortex
D) hypothalamus

On May 23, 2024



Research on guilt indicates that people mainly feel guilty about things that ____.

A) they have done to themselves
B) they have done to people they care about
C) they have done to acquaintances or strangers
D) people have done to them

On May 22, 2024