


Karl Marx believed that religion is the "opium of the people" because it tranquilizes the working class into accepting their lot in life.

On Jul 13, 2024



Explain how the social construction of environmental problems shapes the way we perceive them.

On Jul 10, 2024

The social construction of environmental problems shapes the way we perceive them by influencing our understanding, attitudes, and responses to these issues. This construction is influenced by a variety of factors including cultural, political, economic, and historical contexts.

Firstly, the media plays a significant role in shaping public perceptions of environmental problems. The way environmental issues are portrayed in the media can influence how seriously they are taken and the level of public concern they generate. For example, if a particular environmental problem is framed as a distant or abstract issue, it may not be perceived as urgent or relevant to people's lives.

Secondly, the social construction of environmental problems is also influenced by political and economic interests. Powerful actors such as corporations and governments may seek to downplay or deny the existence of certain environmental problems in order to protect their own interests. This can lead to the marginalization of certain issues and the prioritization of others based on the agendas of these influential actors.

Additionally, cultural and historical factors can shape the way we perceive environmental problems. Different societies may have varying attitudes towards nature and the environment, which can influence how they perceive and respond to environmental issues. Historical events and experiences can also shape our perceptions, as they may influence our understanding of the causes and solutions to environmental problems.

Overall, the social construction of environmental problems has a significant impact on how we perceive and respond to these issues. By understanding the various factors that shape our perceptions, we can work towards creating more accurate and effective responses to environmental challenges.


The annual number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population is:

A) the crude death rate
B) the crude birth rate
C) the refined death rate
D) the total death rate
E) the death rate

On Jun 13, 2024



What are social movements?

On Jun 10, 2024

Social movements are collective attempts to change all or part of the political or social order by stepping outside the rules of normal politics.


Advertising, engineering, marketing, product design, and web design are all examples of ________ work.

A) traditional
B) knowledge
C) industrial
D) computer-assisted

On May 14, 2024



Mike belongs to a college fraternity and tends to see his fellow students as either "like us" and part of the fraternity and sorority system or "not like us" and thus not a part of the system.  Mike therefore sees himself as being part of the 

A) out-group
B) instrumental group
C) reference group
D) in-group

On May 11, 2024