


The funds that firms use to buy capital come directly or indirectly from households.

On Jul 25, 2024



Management can choose between two bases in calculating the estimated uncollectible accounts under the allowance method. One basis emphasizes an income statement viewpoint whereas the other emphasizes a balance sheet viewpoint. Identify the two bases and contrast the two approaches. How do the different points of view affect the amount recognized as Bad Debt Expense during the accounting period?

On Jul 23, 2024

The two bases available to calculate the estimated uncollectibles under the accrual based allowance method are: (a) percentage of sales basis and (b) percentage of receivables basis. The percentage-of-sales basis emphasizes the income statement while the percentage of receivables basis emphasizes the balance sheet. Under the percentage of sales basis the bad debt expense for the period is calculated directly as a percentage of net credit sales without regard to any balance in the allowance account. Under the percentage of receivables basis the emphasis is on establishing the proper amount to carry as a balance in the allowance account; bad debt expense is indirectly determined to be the amount necessary to create the proper balance in the allowance account.


The _____ identifies the level of income at which half of the households in the population earn more and half of the population earns less.

A) median household income
B) mean household income
C) poverty level
D) Gini coefficient

On Jun 25, 2024



Suppose that a bus company is deciding where to locate its central hub. There are 6 possible destinations for the buses. Suppose that the centre of town will be used as the reference for describing the possible destinations. A is located 5 miles South and 3 miles West. B is located 3 miles North and 2 miles East. C is located 1 mile South and 5 miles East. D is located 2 miles North and 3 miles West. E is located exactly in the centre of town. F is located 10 miles North and 5 miles East. Assume that traffic to each destination will be equal. Where should the hub go so that travel time is minimized?

On Jun 23, 2024

Since each site has the same demand the coordinates can simply be averaged. Converting the centre of town to (0,0) will mean that coordinates that are labeled South become -y and those labeled West become -x, while North becomes +y and East +x. Thus the location is found to be:
X = (-3 + 2 + 5 - 3 + 0 + 5)/6 = 1
Y = (-5 + 3 - 1 + 2 + 0 + 10)/6 = 1.5
Converting back into direction yields 1 mile East and 1.5 miles North of the centre of town should be the location for the hub.


Keynesians believe that the two basic cures for a recession are _____ and ____.

On May 26, 2024

massive government spending;large tax cuts


Kretlow Corporation has provided the following data from its activity-based costing accounting system:
Kretlow Corporation has provided the following data from its activity-based costing accounting system:    Required:Compute the activity rates for each of the three cost pools. Required:Compute the activity rates for each of the three cost pools.

On May 24, 2024